Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2014: "LET'S Look Back, Consider Advances, Acknowledge Deficiences to OUR Mission then Look Ahead"

December 2013
Positive Networks
People living with HIV discuss self-empowerment.
Advocates from a variety of networks of people living with HIV held a roundtable discussion earlier this year. The topic of the day was the networks themselves and the value they can have in our communities.
The roundtable, held in New York City at POZ headquarters, was based on the belief that people living with HIV should be full, active participants in the response against the epidemic and in decisions that affect them, be it within the positive community itself, on boards for local AIDS service organizations, or in governmental policy-making efforts.
This fundamental human rights concept is rooted in The Denver Principles, a self-empowerment manifesto written in 1983 by people living with HIV/AIDS. The idea was advanced at the 1994 Paris AIDS Summit with the GIPA (Greater Involvement of People Living With HIV/AIDS) Principle.
If your Primary Care Doc -HealthCare Provider Don't Ask & You Don't Tell; are you getting Quality Health Care!?  "Fear of stigmatization prevents many people from identifying themselves as vulnerable to, at risk for, Living with, eligible and qualified for... As many as two thirds of physicians never ask patients about their sexual orientation. Some health care professionals assume that their patients are heterosexual. Others may be homophobic and hostile and prefer to avoid the issue."

Pisces: "It seems that you're ready for a major change in your life, Pisces. But take care that you don't implement change merely for the sake of change. Think carefully about what you really want to do. Some introspection just might reveal that the changes you seek are minor rather than major. You may simply want to begin working on your health a bit more. Jogging a few days a week and vowing to eat salads at lunch rather than sandwiches may bring about a wonderful ripple effect of health and well-being in your life."
"In 1983, the problem was getting the media to pay attention to HIV/AIDS. In 2013, the problem is getting the media to pay attention to HIV/AIDS.
In the beginning, major news outlets ignored the epidemic because it only struck marginal populations. After brief windows of concern, WE have fallen into the same pattern."

The Psychological Dark Side of Gmail: Google is using its popular Gmail service to build profiles on the hundreds of millions of people who use it:
“We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know what you’re thinking about. Your digital identity will live forever… because there’s no delete button!? -Eric Schmidt"  This article first appeared on PandoDaily.

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