Friday, February 21, 2014

No. Ky. Responses: StUP2Cancer Vs Heroin Vs H.I.V. Vs Nicotine Vs Housing Vs Hunger V ...

"The South Bank HIVE = A Community of Collective Wisdom Buzzing through your Network" As part of The AESOP Initiative we proudly present: "H.I.V.Extraordinary"; what we hope will become The New Face, Concept and Campaign for HIV & AIDS Awareness for 2014 and Beyond" 
When "Northern Kentucky's Collective Response To the Heroin Epidemic" was presented at the Convention Center, I was struck by how it mimicked our "National HIV/AIDS Strategy" and paralleled what we should be doing here in Northern Kentucky to achieve the goal of an AIDS-Free Generation. The missing element between the two is "THE WILL" to make it happen...
23 years ago, I tested positive for the Human Immnodeficiency Virus (HIV) and began my Journey to and thru Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. HIV-HIV Disease is the one thing that ALL of US diagnosed with "AIDS" have in Common. As we now know after the last 32 years; testing HIV+ DOES NOT MEAN that you have progressed to the final stage of HIV Disease which we know as AIDS, that we can prevent that progression via TESTING & TREATMENT, that we can prevent TRANSMISSION thru Safe Sex, PrEP & PEP and IT IS NO LONGER A DEATH SENTENCE! We all have an HIV status. Testing is the only way to find out what your status is now.

HOWEVER, catching H.I.V. and preventing A.I.D.S. IS a Life-Long Sentence of Health Care & very expensive HART medications. There have been so many amazing Breakthroughs over the span of this Epidemic that we now have a Goal and talk about an AIDS Free Generation; NOT DUE TO A CURE FOR HIV but rather Finding, Identifying and then Treating all those who carry the virus. AND MAKE NO MISTAKE, HIV DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE OVER WHO TO INFECT. Regardless of any Demographic that describes you; if you have ever shared or share bodily fluids with someone who carries the virus (whether they know it or not ;-)thru unprotected sex or sharing needles during injection drug use, YOU ARE VULNERABLE!


As part of The AESOP Initiative we proudly Launch: "H.I.V.Extraordinary"; what we hope will become The New Face, Concept and Campaign for HIV &  AIDS Awareness for 2014 and Beyond from "The South Bank HIVE = A Community of Collective Wisdom Buzzing through your Network"

Regardless of any Demographic that describes you, if you share or Have shared bodily fluids with someone who has the virus thru unprotected sex or sharing needles during injection drug use, YOU ARE VULNERABLE! 

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