Monday, August 20, 2012

A Brighter Day Comes, Let IT Shine!

To paraphrase Phill Wilson's AIDS 2012 address: You see, I am a 3-fer. I am White, I am Gay, I am HIV+ clinically diagnosed with AIDS plus -according to AARP I could check off the senior box 7 years ago as well. But it is not lost on me all the things I am not. I am not a woman, a black man or a transgendered person. I am not an Asian Pacific Islander, Latino, Native American, Black or an immigrant. I am not an injecting drug user, sex worker, homeless (although I've experienced that) or the victim of domestic violence. But I know this; I know that we will not stop AIDS in this country unless ALL of those voices are included. ALL of what I am and am not must be a part of the conversation...

EVERYONE Living with HIV MUST COME OUT. WE All must come out. Living Openly & PROUDLY with HIV, not only confronts HIV STIGMA, but it also helps build DEMAND for Essential Services. Openly HIV positive people SERVE as living, compelling reminders of the importance of knowing one's HIV status and that also communicates that it is possible to live a full healthy LIFE with HIV and THAT IS IMPORTANT!


Joe Finan All of the "Low Income" people have moved from JP to new locations, so they have a place to live...some people comment about residents average income being below some others income. if we want to raise the average income of residents why do we keep building more low income housing in Covington? Federal housing pays no taxes to the city, so why not leave it as green space and keep from burdening the city anymore? I am all for helping someone out when they are down on there luck.I had friends and former co-workers who growing up lived in Ida Spence, their parents worked hard and eventually moved out and provided for their families and became productive members of society. The public housing was not meant for generations and generations to have a low cost or free housing, it was meant to Help You Out till you got back on your feet.

Mr Finan, looked at your profile and found that you're a PROUD City of Covington Employee at the Fire Department... So I'm curious; are you a Resident & Voter as well or just a muckraker!? I, for one, have HAD IT UP TO HERE with all these NON-RESIDENT Employees & Business owners opening their big mouths and sticking their unwanted nose into "QUALITY OF LIFE" Issues of those of US who actually Live & VOTE here! This is right wing, Karl Rove, Citizens United, tactics, money and philosophies interfering in the quest for "C+V=G"!
Christopher Gastright: Michael Connett sure likes a lot of his own comments, but his analysis of the supposed political leanings of the Fix Covington Schools group is tainted by his personal prejudice. The group is solidly bi-partisan, and has resulted in a number of candidates who represent the entire political spectrum. We have very progressive candidates, libertarians, democrats, moderates, and republicans. Michael needs to remove his personal prejudices from his commentary on the schools, they only serve to increase the animosity amongst the electorate and have nothing to do with increasing the quality of education in Covington.

Our only party is reform of the corrupt and broken school administration, we are not pushing any sort of ideological changes in the classroom nor political positions with respect to the teachers and staff. We have been remarkably successful in self-regulating the occasional political impulses and personal grudges that many bi-partisan efforts encounter.

Mr Connett was just one of those self regulating moments, he did not support a bi-partisan effort and spent all of his time there throwing bombs and self-promoting. In the end even he realized he was a distraction from our goal and removed himself from the group. No hard feelings, but you do have to let it go Michael.

I LIKE all my stuff because it increases my reach and other insights collected by Facebook. Now; if any one else is interested in the true beauty and effectiveness of Facebook as an integral Viral Marketing Tool & Resource you do the research I've done and understand I'm kicking some ass using all my Social Media Tools. Don't believe Me!? Watch what's being put together for the Picnic & Rally at Goebel on Sunday October 7th; you're gonna be BLOWN AWAY by who's on the Speakers & Guest list. & Christopher, you've certainly fallen far, far away from the Gastright Family Tree. I worked for and Love your Mom to death and I shudder to think what she may be going thru watching you now!

CommUNITY HIVe PRIDE Picnic and Rally
On the heels of AIDS 2012; a gathering to Come OUT & Stand Up! MOVE Our CommUNITY FORWARD > Our Next (Re-Elected) President Must Continue to Lead the World on HIV/AIDS!

"My greatest fear is that WE will squander this OPPORTUNITY..."
A Brighter Day Comes

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