Thursday, May 31, 2012

Summertime & PRIDE Month have Arrived!

In the vein of Ben Franklin; Those who give up Liberty, Pride, Self-Esteem for Money, Respect, Acceptance aren't worthy of any... Be Proud of Who You, Your Customers, Family & Friends are!
Click here to be part of this effort to create change:


"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Organizations are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the Community being Served, -- That whenever any Organization becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Organization, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness...

Unfortunately, in America; Non-Profit Corporations ARE NOT People and are forbidden to participate in the political process! However, that doesn't prevent their leadership from flappin' their jaws about it.... Time to evaluate Who They Are, What their stated "Mission" is and do they Pass or Fail. Sometimes; when you build something and screw it up, it's better to tear down and start over rather than trying to salvage it with bandaids & lip stick... It doesn't matter what brand , flavor or color the lipstick is (Green, Libertarian, Red, Independent, Blue...), it's Still Just A PIG wearing Lipstick!

I've grown to really love the folks at All Famous Quotes. This is a strong message to hold on to: "Some people think that to be strong is to never feel pain. In reality, the strongest people are the ones who feel it, understand it, and accept it."
"I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself." Marlene Dietrich
"Either write something worth reading
or do something worth writing." --Ben Franklin

"People who have what they want are very fond of
telling people who haven't what they want that they
don't want it." -Samuel Clemens

"Outside show is a poor substitute
for inner worth." --Aesop

"Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education; they grow there, firm as weeds along rocks." - Charlotte Bronte

"Should you find yourself among the majority,
it is time to pause and reflect." --Mark Twain

"Good judgment comes from experience, and experience--
well, that comes from poor judgment." --Anonymous

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived..." Henry David Thoreau.

"FREEDOM-is just another word for,
NOTHIN' left to LOSE..." Janis Joplin

"The HOTTEST Places in HELL are RESERVED for
Those who in times of Great Moral Crises

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Memorial Day Images, Quotes, Comments, Graphics

Rivers Edge at Eastside Pointe - Groundbreaking Celebration
Rivers Edge groundbreaking
(Pictured from left to right: Amon Martin, Vicki Wilbon, Aaron Wolfe-Bertling, Rita Dreyer, Commissioner Steve Casper, Congressman Geoff Davis, Mayor Chuck Scheper, Jim Rose, Hal Keller, Mark Walton, Rick McQuady, Glenn Kukla, Commissioner Sherry Carran and Michelle Sherrill. Picture courtesy of Phillip Ridley)

The Ground Breaking ceremony for the new River's Edge at Eastside Pointe was recently held with a breakfast followed by the actual ceremony on site where Congressman Geoff Davis made an appearance. Over 100 stakeholders, residents and dignitaries participated in the celebration.

This event has kicked off the Housing Authority of Covington's 75th Anniversary celebration and has helped define not only who we are but also demonstrate the positive impact that we are currently having and will continue to have on our residents and the City of Covington.

The Housing Authority of Covington would like to thank the Commissioners, staff, partners, residents and the community of Covington for participating in the Ground Breaking Ceremony for River's Edge at Eastside Pointe.

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Organizations are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the Community being Served, -- That whenever any Organization becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Organization, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness..."

Unfortunately, in America; Non-Profit Corporations ARE NOT People and are forbidden to participate in the political process! However, that doesn't prevent their leadership from flappin' their jaws about it.... Time to evaluate Who They Are, What their stated "Mission" is and do they Pass or Fail. Sometimes; when you build something and fuck it up, it's better to tear down and start over rather than trying to salvage it with bandaids & lip stick...

discover Covington logo
Discover Covington was created to promote the history, diversity and urbanity of the City of Covington as well as its economic potential through a broad and extensive marketing campaign. Its purpose is to position the city as the premiere destination in Northern Kentucky for visitors, tourists and prospective residents and business owners. With the support of all Covingtonians, Discover Covington will provide an opportunity to celebrate the city's past, improve its present image and help Covington continue to grow in the future.

RH Cover 2011-2012Covington
Resident Handbook
New to Covington or know someone who is? Contact Suzann Gettys, Ombudsman and Community Relations Coordinator, by clicking here to receive a copy of this very useful publication. It contains all the information you need to get acclimated in Covington! Click on the picture for the fully downloadable booklet. (This is a large PDF file and may take several minutes to download.)

Special Event Permits
It's the season for many events, and as a reminder, Special Event Permits are required to be submitted 45 days prior to the date of your event. If you have any questions, please call Angela Cook at 859-292-2160 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 859-292-2160 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
Click here to view a list of Special Event Permits issued to date. This information is provided so that you may be aware of events that may take place in your neighborhood, and/or if they may have any street closures/restrictions associated with them. Special Event Permit applications are available by clicking on the link below.
Click here for Special Event Permit Applications
It's Time For PRIDE! May kicks off the 2012 Pride season... Join us the Last Weekend of June for Greater Cincinnati - Northern Kentucky Pride on Sunday July 1st throughout the South Bank! More info at & Click the following links to download the Retail/Vendor Application and Guidelines for Vendor Manual.

Cincinnati & NKY Retail-Information Vendor Application
Cincinnati & NKY 2012 Guidelines for Retail-Information Vendors

develop the habit of doing things that
losers (?)
don’t like to do!”
" I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, and ill-nourished. The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." F.D.R.-1937
Showdown in Covington
As you know, I live in the Midwest. Specifically, in Northern Kentucky across the river from Cincinnati which is known as "The only City in America whose charter specifically forbids equality for GLBT people". The following article appeared in The Cincinnati Enquirer on Sunday Nov. 17th, 2003:
"Weapons of mass (self) destruction"
"... But the other term we hear every day is "weapons of mass destruction." Weapons of mass destruction refer to rogue nations such as Iraq, which harbors chemical, biological or nuclear weapons capable of killing large numbers of people. The atomic bomb, sarin gas or a poisoned water supply are examples of weapons of mass destruction.
In my opinion, we have other weapons of mass destruction in our midst, but we seldom give them as much attention as the other weapons of mass destruction mentioned daily on the 6 o'clock news. These weapons of mass destruction are:
  • Obesity -
  • HIV/AIDS - Despite the fact that we have been lulled to sleep about how the HIV/AIDS epidemic has lessened, in fact, it hasn't. HIV/AIDS is still on the rise in the black and hispanic communities. Condoms are still being passed out in many prisons. In South Africa someone is stricken with HIV/AIDS every five seconds. Imagine 10 HIV/AIDS infected men or women from South Africa turned loose in a major urban city in unprotected sex escapades. What a deadly weapon of mass destruction.
  • Crack cocaine -
  • High school dropout rate -
History records that most great civilizations fell from within. While we should be concerned about chemical, biological and nuclear weapons of mass destruction, we should also strive to eliminate our internal weapons of mass destruction. They, too, are ticking time bombs."
Elmon W. Prier - a member of the Enquirer's Local Voices panel, which contributes columns to the opinion pages twice a week. He is a retired teacher and an ordained minister. (The picture that accompanied the article also showed he is african-american.
I am very curious as to how my South African friends would respond? Here's what I would like to say: This is another example of the American Arrogance and Indifference that is part of the root reason why other peoples hate us. I would think that South Africans would be highly insulted, and rightly so. Why? Because in America, regarding the spread of HIV/AIDS: the Arrogant, Untested, Indifferent, Untreated, Complacent, Irresponsible, Hedonistic, Promiscuous (fellow) Americans are leading a pre-emptive strike all on their own. Am I lyin'...???

After that, during my brief experience with homelessness I saw the movie "Pay It Forward" and made this observation:
“Think of an idea to Change The World,
And put it Into ACTION…”
“I tried real hard, but nothing really happened. I think some people are too scared or something. I think, things could be different. I mean, the World’s not exactly s**t.
I guess it’s hard for some people who are so used to things the way they are, even if they’re BAD, to CHANGE. ‘Cause then they kinda give up. And when they do, everybody kinda loses.
It’s hard, you can’t plan it. You have to watch people more, ya know. Sort of keep an eye on them, to protect them, ‘cause they can’t always see what they need. It’s like your big chance to fix something that’s not like your bike. You can fix a person…”
“Trevor” in The Movie
Go Beyond the Original Premise…
  • Instead of helping three people , resolve to be of assistance to anyone, in anyway you can.
  • Little things can make as big a difference as the really “huge” things.
  • Strive for “The Greater Good for the Greater Number…”
  • Remember that “a rich person is not one who has the most,
    but is one who needs the least.”
  • “Learn that what is most valuable is not what you have in your life, but who you have in your life.

As a result of the 9-11 Tragedies and the continuing aftermath, I have come to the conclusion that:
We should hold this truth to be forever self-evident: That ALL Hate is intrinsically evil and should be considered EQUAL… I must therefore hypothesize that there is no difference between the Hate that brought down the World Trade Centers and the Hate:
· Of The Klu Klux Klan which results in the deaths of innocent Blacks
· Of The Army of God which sends Anthrax Letters to Planned Parenthood Clinics and supports the deaths of Abortion Doctors
· Of Homophobes which results in the deaths of people like Matthew Shepard
· Of the White Supremacists & The Arian Nation
· Of Right-wing Religious Radicals like Jerry Falwell
· Ignorance, Fear and Prejudice of the American People and Republican government that have resulted in hundreds of thousands of U. S. AIDS Deaths since the beginnings of the epidemic in 1980…

Every Day is World AIDS Day!!!

"Coming OUT of Hiding:
A Retrospective Journey Through AIDS..."

A Memoir * Michael Wallace Connett
"COPYRIGHT(c): The Michael Wallace Connett-LIVING Trust"
"I used to be afraid of dying, but I'm not anymore.
I'm more afraid of what happens to the people who live..." from "And The Band Played On"
"If liberty means anything at all,
it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."  George Orwell

HIVictorious, Inc. @HIVictorious retweeted to 4,032 followers:

Happy Holiday Weekend Y'ALL! I will be pausing to Remember OUR LGBT Veterans of the WAR Against HIV/AIDS; those...
View @HIVictorious’s Tweets
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Monday, May 21, 2012

Summer in OUR "C+V=G"...

It's Time For PRIDE! May kicks off the 2012 Pride season... Join us the Last Weekend of June for Greater Cincinnati - Northern Kentucky Pride on Sunday July 1st throughout the South Bank! More info at & Click the fo...llowing links to download the Retail/Vendor Application and Guidelines for Vendor Manual.

Cincinnati & NKY Retail-Information Vendor Application
Cincinnati & NKY 2012 Guidelines for Retail-Information Vendors

Balance:$0.14This message has been sent to inform you of the account balance notification you requested. Monday 05/21/2012





The ground has been prepared and the soil is ready for planting at Madison Avenue Christian Church’s new Community Garden. Developed on a piece of land behind an apartment building adjacent to the Church property, and with the help of the University of Kentucky/Kenton County Extension Office, volunteers and community residents are planting vegetables to help feed the growing number of poor and hungry in Covington.

The garden will be planted during a community cook-out tonight at 6:00PM.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May Daze: Float like a Butterfly, Sting like a BEE...

"South Bank PAC: Pride Action Coalition"
ReEnergizing, ReFreshing, and Restoring our Passions, Purpose and Committment to a Future where "WE the People... means EveryONE!"

Greater Cincinnati Pride 2012 will be held on the last weekend of the National Pride Month. Saturday will feature the Parade and an enhanced Festival on the Banks @ Sawyer Point on Saturday. The NKyPride Contribution is scheduled for Sunday July 1st! Word on the street is that it just may not happen; Frenchie Davis on The Banks is a pretty tough act to follow. Course, the fact that most of last year's Planners and Volunteers ended up; with their panties in a bunch, pissed at each other, resigning, taking their ball & not coming back this year leaving a 501(c)3 shell ripe for a New Action Plan and some Quick Community Grassroots planning, organizing and volunteering. "Pride & Independence: It's NOT Just a Gay thing, Anymore" Sunday July 1st on The South Bank.

Pride 2012 has some exciting new changes and here’s a preview of two of the biggest: First, Cincinnati Pride and NKY Pride are switching days – Cincinnati’s festivities will be on Saturday and NKY’s will be on Sunday. As a result, the parade will start a little earlier and everyone can party a little later because the next day is Sunday. Second, because Pride has been so successful downtown, after just two years we have outgrown Fountain Square! Pride 2012 will be held a few blocks south at Sawyer Point. There are lots of benefits in shifting to Sawyer Point besides more space. Just to name a few:
  • · Shaded areas
  • · Grassy lawn for blankets and lawn chairs
  • · 2 stages of entertainment
  • · Almost all booths will be in the shade
  • · No booths will be outside the “alcohol zone”
  • · 2 playgrounds and a sand volleyball court
  • · And did I mention shade?
We think these two changes are going to make next summer’s Pride the most exciting yet.

Important Dates: Next Planning Committee Meeting
Date: Saturday, May 19, 2012
Time: 1 PM
Place: Downtown Library, Room 3A
O-M-G! If it's "Hard" for the Stakeholders who should/have the most vested interest, why have the stakeholders driven by Financial and Economic interests taken over the conversation. HINT: Since they haven't, don't, won't or did have Childr...en in the schools, they've not been there but know their experience and compare it to what they read in "The News", their financial statements, online and hear on the Streets...
It's the new KERA: "SEEK UnBridled Learning"; the Prichard Committee, CIPL, National Core Standards, Support Educational Excellence in Kentucky (SEEK), Covington Partners, No Funding for Textbooks, the National Committee of Chief State School Officers, "College &/or Career Ready", "Curriculum Assessment & Accountability Council", Internationally relevant Core Education Standards are very High in Kentucky...

A document obtained by The River City News that was developed by PUMA illustrates what may be recommended for Covington's organizational structure in advocating for a revitalized Downtown. The proposal uses what it calls "best practices" extracted from various models across the country but specifically Downtown Cincinnati, Inc across the river. PUMA suggests reconstituting the Urban Partnership, an effort by the Covington Business Council to promote cleanliness and business advocacy Downtown, and using it as the new umbrella organization. The document reads in part: 
In Covington, we propose that existing marketing and advocacy organizations, the City of Covington, and civic partners such as the Catalytic Development Fund of Northern Kentucky and the Center for Great Neighborhoods come together in one unified "umbrella organization" under a reconstituted Urban Partnership. On a scale that can mobilize energy, make efficient use of resources, and have a significant impact in Covington, the new Urban Partnership is envisioned as a combination of the best revitalization elements found in Cincinnati, including DCI (Downtown Cincinnati, Inc) and 3CDC (Cincinnati Center City Development Corporation).

America is the great democratic example, but because we lead there is no blueprint. America's greatness has been due to our ability, on the national, state and local levels, to find common ground. To large extent, it is our ability to reach consensus through civil discourse that has contributed to our greatness. Today, in our communities, neighborhoods, media and even in our legislative bodies, far too often, a difference of opinion is painted as evil, making constructive dialogue impossible.

In doing this work, the Boston Foundation developed "Seven Guiding Principles for a New Social Contract."

  • Incorporate those directly affected by policies at the heart of dialogue and community building.

  • Value racial and cultural diversity at the foundation for wholeness.

  • Promote active citizenship and political empowerment.

  • Build on community strengths and assets.

  • Ensure access to fundamental opportunities and remove obstacles to equal opportunities.

  • Support and enhance the well being of children and their families.

  • Foster sustained commitment, coordination, and collaboration based on a shared vision and mutual respect.

The South Bank PRIDE Coalition

Working to create A Synergistic South Bank CommUNITY where “ WE seek and value opinions, viewpoints and perspectives from others to create solutions that are better than those that would have been created on our own”