IV Drug Use (Heroin!), HIV & AIDS
Many people living with HIV in America today face a unique set of structural and lifestyle challenges, including, but not limited to: poverty, hunger, under- or unemployment, illiteracy, racism, discrimination, immigration issues, homelessness, stigma, previous or current incarceration, sexual or domestic violence, homophobia, substance use, criminalization, addiction, and childcare and mental health issues. Much of what we have learned about fighting HIV has to be reconsidered in light of who is contracting the virus today and why...
Many people living with HIV in America today face a unique set of structural and lifestyle challenges, including, but not limited to: poverty, hunger, under- or unemployment, illiteracy, racism, discrimination, immigration issues, homelessness, stigma, previous or current incarceration, sexual or domestic violence, homophobia, substance use, criminalization, addiction, and childcare and mental health issues. Much of what we have learned about fighting HIV has to be reconsidered in light of who is contracting the virus today and why...
A Northern Kentucky Symposium on Where We Stand on HIV & AIDS since the Development & Release by President Obama of The United States "NATIONAL HIV/AIDS STRATEGY" in July of 2010.
This portion of our Memorial will be held at The Loft Nightclub @ 100 W 6th Street in Covington, Ky (across the street from Mother of God Church) at 2:00 pm. We are gathering to Come OUT & Stand Up! To MOVE Our CommUNITY FORWARD and KEEP THE PROMISES! We look forward to your participation and Support of Our Local Memorial. Volunteer help, Donations, Questions and Feedback are Always APPRECIATED and WELCOMEd Friendly! Just give @SoBankQueenBee a buzzz at
859-261-HIVe1 (4481).
In 1981, HIV showed up in the United States announcing its arrival via gay men. At the onset we didn't know how or why oppurtunistic infections like Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) and Kaposi's Sarcoma (KS) had occurred amongst young gay men. In July 1981 Dr Curran of the CDC was quoted as follows:
Just five months later, in December 1981, it was clear that the disease affected other population groups, when the first cases of PCP were reported in injecting drug users. Around the same time it became clear the cause was a new retro-virus, society had come to the conclusion that it was "Gay Plague, "Gay Cancer" and ultimately "GRID", or "Gay Related Immune Deficiency."There was no apparent danger to non homosexuals from contagion. 'The best evidence against contagion', he said, 'is that no cases have been reported to date outside the homosexual community or in women.
Unfortunately; preceding the actual discovery and naming of the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) the Disease it caused was named Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS, to relax the Stigma & Discrimination that came with all the "Gay" related labels. Today, more than 30 years later "AIDS" is irrevocably linked to the LGBT Community and DEATH.
The biggest expenditure for
our current operations are the costs associated with our online services; the
websites, FB Pages and online support groups. To date, the set-up, funding,
operation and maintenance of these services have been funded through The Michael
W. Connett Living Trust.
The pertinent accounts payable of the Trust that support this venture are:
Cincinnati Bell for our Broadband connection-Zoomtown and our Internet Service
Provider-FUSE, Rent which inludes Utilities, and AllWebNow for web hosting
services (Ella.net which is the Web Host for The Trust website where the South
Bank Hive was born, has done so gratus for some time now). Due to the unexpected
costs of the recent re-location, we are now in need of outside financial
assistance to maintain our online presence and continue providing online support
and social services assistance. All of our accounts are set-up to be paid
automatically or through our Online Banking service to assure that no checks are
bounced. Up until the recent move, Rent was the only thing that wasn't. In
March, the automatic payments & purchases to replace items we couldn't bring
from the "Bismarck BedBug Palace" came through before Joyce had deposited the
check and I'm now in debt to My Mom which isn't pretty. The Rent situation has
since been rectified and is now included on the Online Banking Payee list.
Adobe's charge for our
monthly Creative Cloud subscription didn't go through this month ($49.95) so
it's important that it's made ASAP when I get Mays' SSDI benefits. In addition,
there's also a quarterly payment to AllWebNow due and I've fallen behind on the
Cincy Bell acct, have received a disconnect notice and need to pay the past due amount of at least
$105.68, not to mention my Acct Payable to
In answer to the inevitable
"Well, No One/Who asked you to..." This has always been a labor of Love in
Gratitude for the extended Life Span I've experienced and undertaken because the
established "Powers that Be" can't, don't or won't. Furthermore, it's what we've
all been asked to do by President Obama when he presented OUR "National HIV/AIDS
Strategy" in July, 2010 and IT'S the RIGHT Thing TO DO! That is the basis for
the Decision to establish A Transparent, Stronger, Louder, Prouder and More Respected
501(c)3; "Friends of The HIVe".
Monthly Budgeting sheet
MWCLT Regular Monthly INCOME
Social Security Disability Income (SSDI): +$907.00Regular Monthly Fixed EXPENSES
Food Stamps: +$ 16.00
Housing/Fixed Costs -
*Rent $440.00 (Utilities included)
*Cincinnati Bell (*Landline & Zoomtown priced for life Bundle): $72.33
Regular Monthly Variable Expenses
*Food: $16.00 (SNAP)
*Groceries: $
*Household Maint/Supplies: $
*Transportation: $
*Household Improvement: $
*Health Maintenance: $
*Out of Pocket Medical Care: $
MWCLT for SouthBankHIVe
Telecommunications - Cinti Bell - Fuse & Zoomtown:
www.mwcltonline.org Hosting/EllaNet
www.southbankHIVe.com Hosting/AllWebNow
Current/Ongoing Projects:
Endowment FUNdRaising(T-Shirts, Events, Direct Mail):
___ Pkgs T-Shirt Transfers
___ White T-Shirts @ 2.50
___ Color T-Shirts @ $3.00
___ Postage @ $2.45 ea.
___Frames - Steel Magnolia Awards
Gifts to MWCLT: