Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Holidays: THANKSgiving(s) 2012

Every generation is known for something. Let’s be the one that delivers an AIDS FREE GENERATION. Locally, last year's World AIDS Day was a mess with no collaboration, coordination and poor communication between events, activities, sponsors and agencies!

A Brighter Day Comes




Happy Holidays from Stoney's Gifts,
All Things Princess & Fairy
the house with the purple porch just around the corner from Main
323 West 6th Street, Covington, KY 41011 859-655-9571 www.stoneysgifts.com
Find a Festive Holiday Happy Hour AT ONE OF OUR LOCAL SPOTS.

South Bank HIVe CommUNITY-Based Network shared a link via Caracole, Inc. 
Please join us for the Cincinnati premiere of "'How to Survive a Plague"' on Thursday, November 29th.
Where: The Carnegie Visual & Performing Arts Center.
1028 Scott Boulevard, Covington, KY 41011
When: Doors open 6:00pm, Movie at 7:00pm,
Desserts & Coffee after showing.
Who: Open to our community-FREE OF CHARGE!
RSVP: Reservations required-seating is limited.
RSVP to rsvp@caracole.org or by calling 513.761.1480.

World AIDS Day - Saturday, December 1
World AIDS Day is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV. This year's theme is "Getting to zero: zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS related deaths."
Zero Deaths NOT Zero Funding – Millions of Lives in the Balance
This will not happen and millions of people will die unnecessarily unless more Governments do the right thing and live up to the financial pledges they have made.
2011 saw unprecedented progress in science, political leadership and results in the AIDS response, but that now looks to be ripped apart as a major financial crisis hits the sector.
This year’s global AIDS Report demonstrates that treatment scale-up is beginning to deliver results, both in averting AIDS-related deaths (an estimated 2.5 million since 1995) and in halting new infections (at their lowest levels since 1997)
World AIDS Campaign Chair, Allyson Leacock said: “Just when we should be increasing our efforts to achieve universal access to treatment, we are tearing apart the progress made and losing momentum in the HIV response.”
THANKS & CONGRATULATIONS to No Ky Health & the Region 6 HIV/AIDS Case Management & Care Coordinator programs on their recently revised website!!!
As you may know; HIV/AIDS Services here in The Commonwealth are severely under-funded and under-staffed and our local Non-Profit established to assist in their efforts are MIA. In a discussion with Sr Case Manager, Paul Trickel; I learned that although they can't conduct fund-raising activities, they can be a beneficiary of them!

"The level or amount of case management is based on an evaluation of a person’s needs at any given time and can include:
short-term counseling
help in finding doctors/dentists
support groups
education about living with HIV/AIDS

The overall intent of case management is to provide you with a range of care using >existing community services< to the greatest degree possible. The goal is to help clients be as self sufficient as possible.

Depending on what a person earns from Social Security or employment, there may be financial assistance with medical, dental, and mental health needs, housing and utilities, medications, health insurance premiums, and transportation. 

If you are living with HIV/AIDS and have recently tested positive for HIV or are new to this area, use this information to acquaint yourself with our program. If possible, please download and complete the forms for new clients prior to coming for your first appointment. If you do not have access to a printer, your case manager or the intake coordinator will assist you."



via St. John United Church of Christ - Bellevue, Kentucky.
Saturday, December 1 @ 7:30 pm. World AIDS Day Prayer Service. See our homepage or flyer for details
HEY Northern Kentucky; how 'bout shakin' off the apathy, complacency and indifference to HIV & AIDS!? We have "AIDS fatigue" among younger people who have no memory of the worst phase of the epidem
ic in the 1980s and early 1990s, as well as condom fatigue among those who have grown tired and disillusioned with the unrelenting and sometimes unrealistic safer sex message.



Incorporating HIV/AIDS programs at anytime is a good thing!
Encourage your newspaper or schools to sponsor essay or other contests.
Offer free HIV testing at a special event. Offer incentives to attend. 
Get tested yourself to set an example, or ask a local celebrity to take the test.
Ask athletic directors and coaches to encourage all student athletes to wear red AIDS awareness ribbons on their uniform jerseys.
Invite students to assist that organization. Here are some ways you can help: Students could offer their services (repairing, installing, building) to the organization. Students could sell baked goods and /or red ribbons to raise money for the organization. Any student could simply be encouraged to volunteer his/her time to work at the organization.

DEMAND MORE of our State Government, more of the HIV/AIDS Branch of the Ky Dept of Public Health and MORE of the Non-Profit Agencies & Organizations who profess a Mission to serve the HIV/AIDS Community!
In regards to copying anything from my sites remember that all of my personal photos and articles are copyrighted. In regard to all other materials I rely on the "Fair Use" copyright law provisions. If you copy anything to reprint make sure that you do too. I ask that you get my permission to reprint any of my personal materials from this site and that you provide a link back to me/this page. Here is the "Fair Use" provision.
"Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.
In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include:
(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors."

Saturday, November 17, 2012

2012 Happy Holidays!?

The South Bank HIVe

An On-Line CommUNITY Based HIV/AIDS, Social Service and Survivor's Support Network

“He who conceals his disease cannot expect to be cured"

EVERYONE Living with and Affected by HIV MUST COME OUT. WE All must come out. Living Openly & PROUDLY with HIV, not only confronts HIV STIGMA, but it also helps build DEMAND for Essential Services. Openly HIV positive people SERVE as living, compelling reminders of the importance of knowing one's HIV status and that also communicates that it is possible to live a full healthy LIFE with HIV and THAT IS IMPORTANT!
"My greatest fear is that WE will squander this OPPORTUNITY..."

A Brighter Day Comes

Plot: The story of two coalitions -- ACT UP and TAG (Treatment Action Group) -- whose activism and innovation turned AIDS from a death sentence into a manageable condition.
"I have seen so many great documentaries this year but How To Survive A Plague takes the cake. It's an incredibly engrossing look at AIDS activism and its influence in creating real change in the world. It is as tragic as it is inspirational and I have no doubt that this amazingly well done retelling will become one of the most acclaimed regarding this part of our history. We all know the history of the disease but we certainly didn't all know the history of this movement: a true human victory. I am so happy these revolutionaries had cameras so people my age can witness how it all came along. I recommend this important film to EVERYONE."
HIV is transmitted through the following five bodily fluids:
1. Blood
2. Semen
3. Pre-ejaculate
4. Vaginal Secretions
5. Breast Milk

Spread the word!

We will be announcing this year's recipients of our "South Bank Steel Magnolia's" during the World HIV-AIDS Day Weekend.


2004 South Bank Steel Magnolia Recipients

According to founder and creator of the award, Michael W. Connett, “My goal was to use the bright flame of Fairness & Diversity that was burning upon the unanimous passage of Covington's new & improved Human Rights Ordinance and at that time, in honor of the occasion, the "South Bank Steel Magnolia" Award was created. It was inspired by both the Movie and the tree that still grows in the front yard of my boyhood home in Dayton!

It is my Honor to recognize the following for their contributions and commitment to bettering the “Quality of Life” for our South Bank CommUNITY:

· Ms. Pamela Mullins, Former City Commissioner & one of the architects of the Ordinance. Also a Governing Council member of AVNK

· Emad & Tonya Ajwa of T & M Deli and T & M II for the advancement of Fairness…

· Bar HumBug – Bart & Staff, for understanding and caring that “We’re all in this together…” and welcoming us with arms wide open…

· Matthew Ashcraft - As someone who has "Been there, Done that - Dayton, Ky. circa late 80's" WE support this extraordinarily BRAVE young man....

· GetOneFree.com, Bob & Donna Berendsen – Childhood friends who always made me comfortable and took away the strangeness I often felt at being me…

· The No. Ky Health Dept. HIV/AIDS Care Coordinator Department –Simply because I love y’all and I couldn’t have made it this far without your arms to fall safely back on…

· The Girls @ “Patty’s Blankets”/My Mom…

CONTACT: Michael W. Connett, 859-261-HIVe1 (4481)

Caracole World AIDS Day & Holiday Events

Please join us for the Cincinnati premiere of the Sundance Film Festival Selection 'How to Survive a Plague' on Thursday, November 29th.
Where: The Carnegie Visual & Performing Arts Center.
1028 Scott Boulevard, Covington, KY 41011

When: Doors open 6:00pm, Movie at 7:00pm,
Desserts & Coffee after showing.

Who: Open to our community-FREE OF CHARGE!
RSVP: Reservations required-seating is limited.
RSVP to rsvp@caracole.org or by calling 513.761.1480.
Every generation is known for something. Let’s be the one that delivers an AIDS FREE GENERATION. Details to follow on Events and Activities being planned... Locally, last year's World AIDS Day was a mess with no collaboration, coordination and poor communication between events, activities, sponsors and agencies!

HEY Northern Kentucky; how 'bout shakin' off the apathy, complacency and indifference to HIV & AIDS!? We have "AIDS fatigue" among younger people who have no memory of the worst phase of the epidem
ic in the 1980s and early 1990s, as well as condom fatigue among those who have grown tired and disillusioned with the unrelenting and sometimes unrealistic safer sex message.

Incorporating HIV/AIDS programs at anytime is a good thing!
Encourage your newspaper or schools to sponsor essay or other contests.
Offer free HIV testing at a special event. Offer incentives to attend. 
Get tested yourself to set an example, or ask a local celebrity to take the test.
Ask athletic directors and coaches to encourage all student athletes to wear red AIDS awareness ribbons on their uniform jerseys.
Invite students to assist that organization. Here are some ways you can help: Students could offer their services (repairing, installing, building) to the organization. Students could sell baked goods and /or red ribbons to raise money for the organization. Any student could simply be encouraged to volunteer his/her time to work at the organization.


DEMAND MORE of our State Government, more of the HIV/AIDS Branch of the Ky Dept of Public Health and MORE of the Non-Profit Agencies & Organizations who profess a Mission to serve the HIV/AIDS Community!


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Learn to relax, let go of something that was not so important.

Dear Pisces, someone may be feeling out of sorts - perhaps it's your partner or a family member. This is perhaps a day where they need your emotional side to look into this where you can get to understand them more. You may get to mend more than a heart today as you pack away your pride, you find out what treasures life holds today. You may get to see where you want to improve on relationships with others while you learn to relax more by letting go of something that was not so important.

F.Y.I.: As of 10-16-2012; I have retained the Services of Legal AID of The Bluegrass and the Counsel of Cara Stewart in my Housing case defending against Dudley Properties II, LLC (aka DPM Housing), the Owners of the Bismarck Apartments Pro

Bad Landlords in Federal Housing Complaints
Hundreds of landlords have been fined and/or debarred from doing business with the federal government as a result of failing to provide safe and decent housing for the poor, while enriching themselves on taxpayer-funded subsidies.

Tenants have been forced to live in terrible housing, and neighborhoods have suffered from housing eyesores. HUD calls this a double crime-one against tenants as well as taxpayers.


"Stigma is a degrading and debasing attitude of the society that discredits a person or a group because of an attribute (such as an illness, deformity, color, nationality, religion etc.) ...Stigma destroys a person’s dignity; marginalizes affected individuals; violates basic human rights; markedly diminishes the chances of a stigmatized person of achieving full potential; and seriously hampers pursuit of happiness and contentment. POVERTY: the most stigmatized attribute...
The “entitlement” issue on the right is disgusting. Sure, there are people who use these programs for the wrong reasons. However, the vast majority need this assistance. This assistance is one of the marks of our government’s humanity and caring for human rights. Why aren't taxpaying citizens demanding more for the dollars they're already contributing from the Landlords already on the Take!
"True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else."
- Clarence Darrow
Another "Outside Show" masking the lack of inner substance and conviction is revealed by the commentary, exclusivity, indifference and disdain for the least of our Covington brethren throughout the Code Enforcement, Rental Housing and Economic Development Discussions recently observed. Extremely infuriating are the outside NON-RESIDENT forces telling ME that I don't count, matter or are worthy of having my HUMAN/CIVIL Rights defended or fought for! "I'm disappointed in the lack of incorporations of recommendations of the task force," said Jerry Fink of Fairfield (OHIO!). Fink added that he would like to see work done on the language of the "triggers" . "This is discriminatory because it goes after property owners who happen to have rentals. We haven't addressed the real issues of personal responsibility of landlords and tenants." Actually, both Kentucky & Covington has through the passage/adoption of the Uniform Residential Landlord Tenant Act.
"It's about the safety of the people that live in this city," said City Manager Larry Klein. "Government regulates business and (real estate) is a business. It attempts to hold owners accountable to make sure the properties are safe."
General Information about Retaliation: applies to jurisdictions in Kentucky that have enacted the Uniform Residential Landlord Tenant Act. "Your landlord may not retaliate against you by filing an eviction, threatening to file an eviction, increasing the rent or decreasing services if you have:
•Complained to a governmental agency responsible for enforcement of a building or housing code regarding something affecting your health or safety.
•Complained to the landlord regarding his maintenance obligations.
•Organized or joined a tenant's union. "

I've done all 3 of those and am now awaiting my day in court to save my HOME, punish the offending landlord and prevent future tenants from the same...
Christopher Gastright Section 8 has toughened its standards. They are actually so difficult to deal with at the moment that we have gone from 20 units down to maybe 6. No housing strategy based on enforcement is going to work in an economically depressed region. 
You can call it anything you like, base it on any level of "make Covington a better place" but in the end what we are really talking about in terms of net effect is the displacement of poor people whether by bankrupting the industry which provides them housing, or by forcing owners to displace them based on their behavior. 
So to sum up...... this law is:

1- Discriminatory in effect by placing more burden on the poorest of the poor through the agent of their housing provider.

2- Violates the privacy of anyone who legally signs a lease to take possession of a housing unit in Covington where an exterior trigger or poor relationship between owner and neighbors exists.

3- A strong dis-incentive to investment in Covington because 10,000 rental units will need a code boost every five to ten years based on average wear and tear.....leading to an enforced reinvestment of $40,000,000 every 10-15 years by my estimates on the part of the collective investor class.

4- Ignorant of the market, meaning it attempts to force a market to improve without any actual market improvements.

5- Discriminatory in that it establishes two classes of people in Covington, those who are subject to an invasion of privacy and those who arent.

6- Depressive to business as a whole in Covington. Your neighborhood does not get better when everyone in it makes less money. 


Someone who has decided to stop investing in Covington in the current climate.
Just what are those damn, pesky HQS's (Housing Quality Standards)??? As best I can determine, there are no basic differences between HUD's and Covington's minimum requirements for HQS. But it is only when a unit is made available through a HUD Voucher, is it held to any accountability to those standards. Aren't all residential renters entitled to that same minimum protection and safeguard???

The prejudice that now surrounds those of us who live with HIV&AIDS -Many of us are part of the 47% on fixed Low-Incomes, now presents a threat to our Medicare/Ryan White Care Act benefits, Prescription Drug coverage, SNAP, HUD Housing Assistance that we're qualified for that has made it possible for us to Live to See this Election!
As you may be aware; I've received a 30 Day Notice to End my Lease by Dudley Properties II, LLC which was up October 14th the Sunday after the HIVe P.R.I.D.E. Picnic & Rally. This HOME, My HIVe in COVINGTON on The South Bank in the Northern Kentucky part of the Tri-State based in the Queen City HUB of Cincinnati is unstable...

Commonwealth of Kentucky – Court of Justice Case Number 12-C-05453
Notice of Eviction Hearing
Dudley Properties II, LLC (dba/aka “Bismarck Apartments”) VS. Michael W Connett (@SoBankQueenBee)
Date: Thursday November 8, 2012 Time: 1:30 PM
Location: Courtroom 4A – Kenton Co. Justice Center
TGIF! Ms Stewart,
They cite the original lease I signed with Wilson Enterprises and HUD in May of 2006 and I have the original packet. I believe the monthly rent they claim (141.00) is the original amount in 2006 and does not reflect this years recertification amount of $123.00
“You, as a resident (tenant), have rights and responsibilities that help make your HUD-assisted housing a better HOME for you and your family. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, which has the ‘Ultimate Jurisdiction’ over the project (Bismarck Apts) in which you live...”
The last contact I have for Jennifer Felts (Original HUD Property mgr @ Wilson) is 513-967-4904, she came with the “Bismarck” when they were sold to Dudley Properties II, LLC. “Germantown”, the other Wilson Property was sold to Dudley Properties according to KHC. Lisa Brown succeeded Jennifer after the transition into the 49.43 HUD Inspection score by KHC. That brought in their current HUD Property manager from KHC Approved Vender CarsonHayes; Angie Slover.
It also seems as though the other tenants should tell their side as the original Notice of Inspection for Bedbugs, although only addressed to me, was directed to all of them. Donna, downstairs in #1, tells me she finally got her voucher and was in the office talking to Angie & overheard “Dave” talkin’ about how I’m always calling Frankfort or complaining and how me getting LegalAID doesn’t matter...
So anyway; turns out Dipsy Donna is gonna use her voucher and move into one of Dudley’s other rental properties!? Wonder how many of those other Vouchers the City Administers they are getting?
Hey, at least the court date is after The Election! The Goal of getting me into a Home with no pests, worries me. We agreed that Dudley would/will never invest the $$ to catch up to the aging, deferred maintenance of the buildings (unless they can figure a way to pass it off to tenants). Transferring between a site-based and tenant-based HUD Program is no easy task. There’s a waiting list for Covingtons Section 8 list with projected waits of over a year.
Complicating any move I make is the condition of my household as a result of the ineffective and incompetent bedbug treatment, what they are saying is; “Pack up your infested household and get the F**K out.” The scariest phrase in all this is: “...we are not accepting your money order you tendered for September rent so there will be no question of our waiving any of our rights. AFTER you have vacated we will determine the amount of monies DUE.”
My biggest fear is getting a call the morning of court to say no one is available from LegalAid of The Bluegrass to appear for me and I should try and get a word in edgewise and ask for a continuance... Oh YES, it did!
Let me know what we need to do next. Thank You.

"A Life lived in Fear, is a Life Half- Lived..."
"HIV is something you live with every day for the rest of your life. You may never die of it, but you always die with it..."
Michael W. Connett, Grantor/Trustee - The Michael W. Connett LIVING Trust
"I used to be afraid of dying, I'm not anymore. I'm more afraid of what happens to the people who live..." from "And The Band Played On"