Wednesday, October 24, 2012

HOUSING: Understanding Federally Funded Assisted Housing

Resident Rights & Responsibilities

"Residents of HUD-assisted housing are our partners and partners in their communities. HUD regulations give residents the right to press for improved conditions by organizing independent resident associations. These associations encourage residents to become involved in the decisions that affect their homes without harassment or retaliation by property owners or management."
--Secretary of HUD
You, as a resident (tenant), have rights and responsibilities that help make your HUD-assisted housing a better home for you and your family. This brochure is being distributed to you because the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, which has ultimate jurisdiction over the project in which you live briefly lists some of your most important rights and responsibilities to help you get the most out of your HOME (HIVe)...

Bad Landlords in Federal Housing Complaints:
Hundreds of landlords have been fined and/or debarred from doing business with the federal government as a result of failing to provide safe and decent housing for the poor, while enriching themselves on taxpayer-funded subsidies.
Tenants have been forced to live in terrible housing, and neighborhoods have suffered from housing eyesores. HUD calls this a double crime-one against tenants as well as taxpayers.

When it comes to living in a world with HIV, realizing how misconstrued understandings and assumptions impact our thoughts and actions is critical to all of our well being. Myths about living with HIV and the transmission of the virus are the foundation of stigma. With no origin in factual information, these myths breed ignorance, instill fear, form bias and ultimately source new infections. Repairing the damage caused by stigma and producing a society that is inclusive of all people, regardless of status, is crucial to prevention efforts and "quality of life" post-diagnoses.
The same can be said about living in Federally Funded Assisted Housing! Myths, misconceptions, stigma, prejudice and discrimination strongly and negatively affect the availability, supply, management and regulation enforcement crucial to Affordable, decent, safe and sanitary HOUSING that is free from environmental hazards where repairs are performed in a timely manner, upon request, with a QUALITY maintenance program run by management that also respects and upholds their Customers (tenants) Human and Civil Rights!? 

Do you live in Sct 8 Voucher or Project-based Assisted Rental Housing through HUD and your Landlord, Housing Authority or Property Manager does a lousy job with maintenance, upkeep or customer service!? Report them without fear of retaliation or losing your housing by calling Melissa or Staci at Kentucky Housing Corporation in Frankfort: 877-552-7368 Stacie M. Sutton, Director - ext. 772 - Melissa Corbett, COS, Compliance Specialist Manager – ext. 739 link
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is a federal rent subsidy program sponsored by HUD. Its purpose is to assist eligible elderly, or disabled or very-low income households secure decent, safe and
sanitary housing in Kenton County. All rental units used for this program are inspected to insure that they meet Housing Quality Standards set forth by HUD. Qualified families pay 30% of their gross income for rent and utilities. The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program pays the remainder of the total contract rent to the landlord with money allocated from the Federal Government.

According to Kentucky Housing Corporation; there are approximately 2,240 Residential Housing units in Covington.

Until the baseline resident of Covington either has an increase in income from the Federal Government or moves out of town, the rental market has a fixed price for basic apartments. Making it more expensive to operate them wont get them fixed up, it will just get them boarded up."

So, there's NO market for Affordable, decent, safe and sanitary HOUSING that is free from environmental hazards where repairs are performed in a timely manner, upon request, with a QUALITY maintenance program run by management that also respects and upholds their Customers (tenants) Human and Civil Rights!? BULLSHIT! This issue has less to do with "Outside Appearance" and everything to do with "Inner Substance". This is like arguing against Restaurant Health Inspections because it increases the cost of doing "BUSINESS". The "gap" between income and the cost of housing for very low income households has been an issue for the past 30 years as housing and utility costs have escalated. Now more people are falling into this housing gap -from very low-to moderate income earners. Without access to affordable housing with responsible, ethical owners/management, many individuals and families find themselves without a safe place to live. The DEMAND and Market is strong, but the Supply is controlled by Greed and Indifference. This argument is just another way to write off the 47% as expendable and undesirable for Covington's future...

Who owns those 2,240 Units receiving those taxpayer dollars and what are WE the People getting in return!? Housing Authority of Covington has 963 Units in site-based/Projects, City of Covington Tenant-Based Section 8 Vouchers are 1,169 Units.  Other Site-Based Assisted Projects in Covington include Cambridge Square Apartments -199, The Colony -136, Bismarck Apartments -48, Hathaway Court -124, Germantown Apartments -10..

KHC's Project-Based Rental Administration (PBRA) Program provides rental assistance for very low- and low-income residents living in certain apartment complexes throughout Kentucky. The subsidy is tied to specific complexes and paid directly to the owner on behalf of the resident, thereby lowering the portion of rent for which the resident is responsible.
Anyone renting a subsidized unit must meet income and program guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the property owner. The rental subsidy does not follow the resident from property to property.
As the contract administrator for HUD, KHC staff works to ensure that the property owners, management agencies and residents adhere to the requirements of the program. KHC staff performs annual on-site visits of each property, desk reviews and handles resident concerns and questions.
KHC also assists property owners with renewing their federal Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contracts, along with adjusting rents and reviewing utility allowances. HAP contracts are renewed to help ensure the continued availability of affordable housing in Kentucky.
Property owners must develop and make public written resident selection policies and procedures that include descriptions of the eligibility requirements and income limits for admission. The managers of these participating apartment complexes will accept applications from those needing rental assistance. All applicants must meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the owner’s resident selection plan. HUD requires these plans to be made available to the public. Individuals listed on the state lifetime sex offender registry are excluded from program participation.
To apply for a Project-Based Rental Assistance apartment, please contact the property directly. The application process will be handled by the on-site property manager.

"Home is not a place; it is an attitude. It is an attitude which depends on how much we are able to feel at home with ourselves as well as with others. Home is something which happens to a person; homecoming has less to do with geography than it has to do with a sense of personal integrity or inner wholeness.
The most important of all endeavors in life is to come home. The most terrifying of fears is loneliness. It means that one has become a stranger to himself, and consequently, to others. To be lonely is to feel fear, to be forever unsettled, never at rest, in need of more reassurance than life can give.
Someone truly loves us when he brings us home; when he makes us comfortable with ourselves, when he takes from us the strangeness we feel at being who we are. We are loved when we no longer are frightened with ourselves."

The South Bank HIVe Proudly extends an Invitation to join our grass-roots, CommUNITY-Based Network of people to demonstrate that speaking up about HIV and Aids is a point of pride, not a source of shame. –Our strength comes from the members we represent and the alliances we build with other progressive groups, individuals and organizations. We will approach our work by representing the interests of our members and will not engage in back room politics or power brokering that compromises these principles.
The South Bank HIVe adheres to the following principles: The politics of inclusion – We will have equal concern for oppression, stigma, discrimination and fear faced by all disenfranchised people, with a special emphasis on the working poor and those on a low fixed income. We believe that our work must focus on building a broad base of support for “Quality of Life” issues of social justice that includes, but is not limited to, issues important to our HIV community. This means that long term change is of greater significance than any single issue, campaign, or candidate and our educational and political efforts will reflect that priority. We will treat all members of our HIV community and Network with the same dignity and respect.
"Stigma is a degrading and debasing attitude of the society that discredits a person or a group because of an attribute (such as an illness, deformity, color, nationality, religion etc.) ...Stigma destroys a person’s dignity; marginalizes affected individuals; violates basic human rights; markedly diminishes the chances of a stigmatized person of achieving full potential; and seriously hampers pursuit of happiness and contentment.
POVERTY: the most stigmatized attribute... 
Living With HIV IS Not Dying of AIDS; Many people living with HIV in America today face a unique set of structural and lifestyle challenges, including, but not limited to: poverty, hunger, under- or unemployment, illiteracy, racism, discrimination, immigration issues, homelessness, stigma, previous or current incarceration, sexual or domestic violence, homophobia, substance use, criminalization, addiction, and childcare and mental health issues. Much of what we have learned about fighting HIV has to be reconsidered in light of who is contracting the virus today and why...
Michael W. Connett, Grantor/Trustee
315 W 7th Street - Suite #2 * Covington, KY 41011 -1391 * 859-261-4481 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 859-261-4481 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
This story is about my most important endeavor in life. To experience that greatest love of all; to truly love myself, to shed the strangeness I feel at being who I am and to no longer be frightened with myself. This is my attempt to finally get myself home before I die...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Living with HIV/AIDS on The South Bank: HOUSING

"I used to be afraid of dying, I'm not anymore. I'm more afraid of what happens to the people who live..."  By
I think the problem with these people is that they’ve never been there. That they have never been hungry, out of work, or struggled. If they succeed, they blame themselves — but failure? Oh, no, that’s the government holding them down and promoting laziness.
Politicians like this make me sick. He thinks people want to live on entitlement programs? Let’s put him on SNAP benefits for a month and see if he likes it. The “entitlement” issue on the right is disgusting. Sure, there are people who use these programs for the wrong reasons. However, the vast majority need this assistance. This assistance is one of the marks of our government’s humanity and caring for human rights.
Food for thought — if the deficit continues to rise, social programs such as these will have to be cut. Is it only coincidence that Republican budget plans increase the deficit with no explanation as to how they will overcome that? I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but it doesn’t seem that crazy to make that connection.

When referring to persons living in poverty, we need to consider that they are individuals and not "families." They may be a part of a family, but the struggle for survival is often a lonely undertaking. Those who have supportive families, do not feel the full impact of poverty and can better manage their health care. Those living alone, without families for support are in the greatest need for help. Therefore, in this document, the word "families" should be deleted from the general verbiage.
In order to have an impact on poverty and the need for health care in Northern Kentucky, the process of collaboration begun with the Poverty Symposium needs to continue. The recommendations and ideas expressed need to be translated into practical plans and policies to raise the level of health among those living in poverty and thus to raise the level of health for the entire Northern Kentucky community.

"The opposite of love is not hate,
it's indifference.
The opposite of art is not ugliness,
it's indifference.
The opposite of faith is not heresy,
it's indifference.
And the opposite of life is not death,
it's indifference." -- Elie Wiesel
Indifference, greed and stupidity are also the three major ingredients in the American recipe for what has come to be known as AIDS Complacency. A Cultural phenomena against which every major player in the fight against it has warned us continually for as long as I can remember. Indifference which is rooted in the arrogance that it can’t happen to us, only “the right people”; mainly gays. Greed fueled by the profits, jobs and paychecks from the new industry and bureaucracy it spawned. Stupidity that feeds the intolerance, discrimination, stigmatization and demonization that prevents us from using every means available to prevent future infections as well as diagnose, treat and care for those who already have been...
The Comfort of the HIVe... 03/22/2002
"...not only because of the physical limitations it imposes, but because the prejudice surrounding AIDS exacts a social death which precedes the actual physical one." Tom Hanks in Philadephia
Still as true today as it was when first quoted in the movie "Philadelphia", the breadth of that social death, like the disease, has broadened into every segment of society. While the gay community, already well-versed in being regarded with disdain, rallied quickly to thumb their noses at and ward off that social shadow of death by organizing support systems and programs that would become the models that are imitated yet today, I now see a need to re-focus, energize and re-establish these social supports to be of greater value to the wider audience they now command. It often wrenchingly occurs to me that there are those among us who live in an HIV-closet because they are married/divorced, not Gay, not Male, not Adult or even not totally straight.
The prejudice that now surrounds those of us who live with HIV&AIDS -Many of us are part of the 47% on fixed Low-Incomes, now presents a threat to our Medicare/Ryan White Care Act benefits, Prescription Drug coverage, SNAP, HUD Housing Assistance that we're qualified for that has made it possible for us to Live to See this Election!
As you may be aware; I've received a 30 Day Notice to End my Lease by Dudley Properties II, LLC which was up October 14th the Sunday after the HIVe P.R.I.D.E. Picnic & Rally. This HOME, My HIVe in COVINGTON on The South Bank in the Northern Kentucky part of the Tri-State based in the Queen City HUB of Cincinnati is unstable...

Hhm; back in July I asked "Do you know a good attorney for Landlord-Tenant matters!? Steven L Frank replied; "There is a lawyer running for school board named Halloran who works for the innocence project here in Covington. I bet she is plugged into public interest lawyers. The problem you'll have going to a normal lawyer is that they'll charge you more than $50 to take the case. You need legal aid lawyer or public interst lawyer if you are really dealing with a broader, class action issue which I think you may have."

Thank You, Kerry has been a great help. And so has my friend Farrah Vaughn from BarMonet who is a former city attorney... Between us, I've been hooked up with LegalAid of The Bluegrass! Ms. Stewart enlightened and relieved me when she revealed experience with Dudley Properties II, LLC.
Bad Landlords in Federal Housing Complaints
Hundreds of landlords have been fined and/or debarred from doing business with the federal government as a result of failing to provide safe and decent housing for the poor, while enriching themselves on taxpayer-funded subsidies.
Tenants have been forced to live in terrible housing, and neighborhoods have suffered from housing eyesores. HUD calls this a double crime-one against tenants as well as taxpayers.
To report a bad landlord to the Multifamily Housing Complaint Line call toll-free at (800) MULTI-70 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (800) MULTI-70 end_of_the_skype_highlighting ( 1-800-685-8470 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-800-685-8470 end_of_the_skype_highlighting ) / TTY (800) 432-2209.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) pays a portion of the resident's rent (subsidy) and the resident pays the rest (usually 30 to 40 percent of their income). The most widely used programs are the Project-Based Rental
Administration and the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Tenant-Based, Section 8).

KHC's Project-Based Rental Administration (PBRA) Program provides rental assistance for very low- and low-income residents living in certain apartment complexes throughout Kentucky. The subsidy is tied to specific complexes and paid directly to the owner on behalf of the resident, thereby lowering the portion of rent for which the resident is responsible.
Anyone renting a subsidized unit must meet income and program guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the property owner. The rental subsidy does not follow the resident from property to property.
As the Commonwealth's contract administrator for HUD, KHC staff works to ensure that the property owners, management agencies and residents adhere to the requirements of the program. KHC staff performs annual on-site visits of each property, desk reviews and handles resident concerns and questions.
KHC offers an Assisted Rental Housing in Kentucky directory which lists available rental housing in counties throughout the state. Also, be sure to review our Fir Housing page to learn your rights.
The AIDS disease is caused by a virus, but the AIDS epidemic is not. The AIDS epidemic is fueled by stigma, by hate, by misinformation, by ignorance, by indifference. Science has accomplished miracles over the past 20 years, and science can now end this disease – but it cannot end the epidemic. We need more than medicine. We can do something about these things. We need to speak out about the changes we need to make in our society." - Elton John

ARE YOU a RESIDENTIAL RENTAL TENANT with a scum-sucking, sleazy, greedy, unethical, rule-breaking, absent, negligent Property Owner, Property Manager that you're afraid of for fear of losing your HOME!? Do you get no help from the proper authorities because they & the Landlords have their hands in each other's pockets or their offices are down in Frankfort or over in Washington too far away to provide real oversight and regulatory control? And are you SICK to Death of the assinine and simple-minded solution to flee rather than Fight!? There's more of US than them and it will cost them way more to build more Homeless Shelters than making existing Housing Safe, Affordable, Sanitary, Energy Efficient & Structurally Sound across the board for ALL HUMAN BEINGS, Regardless of Class, Race, Gender, Political Affiliation, Disability, or Health! It ain't gonna get better waiting for someone else to do it. Take a Risk, Open your Mouth, Don't Be AFRAID to name Names! Fellow tenants of Tay Robinson & Dudley Properties Housing (A HUD site-based Property Manager for Germantown & Bismarck Communities) need to communicate with Kentucky Housing Corp in Frankfort about the ongoing indifference and neglect. Staci & Melissa are aware of the problem and need our help and testimony to solve the problem once and For All. Non-HUD tenants of DPM need to go to Covington Code Enforcement with a Bigger Wad of Cash than Mr Robinson has...
Do you live in Sct 8 Voucher or Project-based Assisted Rental Housing through HUD and your Landlord, Housing Authority or Property Manager does a lousy job with maintenance, upkeep or customer service!? Report them without fear of retaliati...on or losing your housing by calling Melissa or Staci at Kentucky Housing Corporation in Frankfort: 877-552-7368 Stacie M. Sutton, Director - ext. 772 - Melissa Corbett, COS, Compliance Specialist Manager – ext. 739 link
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher administered by City Housing Dept:
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is a federal rent subsidy program sponsored by HUD.
As the Commonwealth's contract administrator for HUD, KHC staff works to ensure that the property owners, management agencies and residents adhere to the requirements of the program. Its purpose is to assist eligible elderly, or disabled or very-low income households secure decent, safe and sanitary housing in Kenton County. All rental units used for this program are inspected to insure that they meet Housing Quality Standards set forth by HUD. Qualified families pay 30% of their gross income for rent and utilities. The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program pays the remainder of the total contract rent to the landlord with money allocated from the Federal Government.
In an exclusive report from The River City News, a consultant asked by the City of Covington to rev
iew the bid process to develop River's Edge at Eastside Pointe is ripe with irregularities and possible ethical lapses. An email obtained by The River City News explains that the Housing Authority of Covington's Atlanta-based contractor, Integral, may have influenced the bidding process in granting the lucrative contract to one of its own subsidiaries. Click the link for the story
The RC News: Consultant Urges New Bids for River's Edge
SEE ALSO: The friction between at least a couple Covington City Commissioners and the Housing Authority of Covington may be on full display tonight at the joint caucus meeting between the Commission and HAC. For a preview, click here.

Jeff Murden Will be interesting to see what happens when the city doesn't give HAC control of Section 8... as was clearly discussed last week at the caucus.

Michael Connett:
Will be more interesting when people realize that there's a 3rd player with even more control involved: HUD! HAC reports to HUD via KHC in Frankfort as does other site-based assisted Property Owners/Managers (Neighborhood Investment Partners!?) like DPM Housing. Sct 8 Housing Choice Vouchers are administered by the City in the Community Development: Housing Dept. The Bottom Line question for me will be who has City Oversight on ALL of the CommUNITY's Housing: Residential Rental Division; Licensing - HQS Inspections - URLTA - Site Based -Sct 8 Voucher Based... Are their taxes paid? Do their properties look well kept? Have they been HQS Inspected & by whom & what standards... Perhaps, the Mayor should extend an Invitation to Kentucky Housing Corporation to Open a New Regional Branch Operation here!?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Days After...

"Michael honey, yesterday you did not quite hit the mark you were hoping for but today it can be a whole new story. You should be ready to take things by storm as you're in the perfect position to make things happen. It won't take long to figure out the best way to improve your cash flow. Your strength and positive attitude will take you to exciting challenges." Anita's Pisces Horoscope

Date: Wed Mar 13, 2002 9:15 am
Subject: [AEGiS] A Q&A from Ask the Doc
To: "aids" <webmaster@a...>
Question: What exactly is HIV positive? Also, this is kind of a difficult question, but if a person with HIV infection has survived for the past 10 years, how much longer will he continue to do so? One last question, is there any sexual activity for him that can be engaged in without his partner contracting the virus?
Answer: The average time someone survives from the moment of infection until death (due to HIV) continues to increase. At the beginning of the epidemic, the average time was about 10 years. Many people confuse the date of diagnosis with the date of actual infection. The former is usually well known, the latter typically not known at all. There can be many years separating the two dates. It currently is estimated that at least 25% of persons infected with HIV today will survive for more than 20 years, utilizing drugs and treatments available today. The effect of combination antiretroviral therapy has been estimated to have added at least 3 years to the average survival of 7 years ago. Average survival today (of persons infected 5-10 years ago) is about 15 years from moment of infection until death. But averages are exactly that: averages. More precise estimates for individuals depend on current and past HIV RNA levels, current and past CD4+ cell counts, number of antiretroviral regimens used, adherence to therapy, response to therapy, current health status, and CD4+ cell count trends over time. At least 5% of HIV infected persons are estimated to be long term non-progressors. That is, in the absence of therapy, these individuals maintain a CD4+ cell count 450 cells and typically have HIV RNA levels < 5000 copies/ml. It is not clear what immunologic features distinguish these individuals from the other 95% of HIV infected persons.

HIV - positive simply means infection with HIV. It is not synonymous with AIDS (which is and always has been an arbitrary constellation of indicator conditions). The virus is active making copies of itself (and typically destroying the CD4+ cells) from the moment it enters the body.

Sexual intercourse when the male uses a latex condom is considered very low risk. The risk is not zero, because the condom could break. Similarly, the risk of transmission from male to female is very low when the woman uses a female condom. Oral insertive and oral receptive sexual activity is low risk. Mutual masturbation (without condoms) approaches zero risk of transmission of the virus. Deep kissing is risk free (unless each person has active bleeding).

Rodger MacArthur, M.D.

When it comes to living in a world with HIV, realizing how misconstrued understandings and assumptions impact our thoughts and actions is critical to all of our well being. Myths about living with HIV and the transmission of the virus are the foundation of stigma. With no origin in factual information, these myths breed ignorance, instill fear, form bias and ultimately source new infections. Repairing the damage caused by stigma and producing a society that is inclusive of all people, regardless of status, is crucial to prevention efforts and "quality of life"  post-diagnoses.

Coming Out Day! A Pop-Up LGBTQ resource center and evening of music and storytelling
Public Event · By Katie Meyer, Bonnie McGinnis-Meyer and 3 others
H/T & REMINDER! This event is 21+

Free HIV testing by NKY Health Dpt and St. John United Church of Christ!!
5-7pm Resource Center
Kentuckians for the Commonwealth
Equality Ohio
NKY Health Department
Greater Cincinnati Gay Chamber of Commerce
Richelle Frabotta, Sexpert
Cincinnati Trans* Community Group
Midwest Trans* and Queer Wellness Initiative

7-10pm Open Mic + Music: Guest Speakers:
Covington City Commissioner, Shawn Masters
Cincinnati City Councilman, Chris Seelbach

10pm Dance party with Dig-It!

Bonnie McGinnis-Meyer
JAC Stringer AKA Midwest GenderQueer
Linda and Taryn 
Freeze Kitten 
Mandy Watts


This years Theme is "END THE SILENCE!", which refers to the complacency over the Epidemic which has come about as a result of the significant strides that have been made in drug therapies and slowing the rate of deaths. As we approach the New Millennium, there is still NO CURE or VACCINE and it is urgent that we keep the troops mobilized in the ongoing battle against this scourge that continues to afflict all peoples throught the World.
This October, in the 31st year of this grotesque calamity, marked the 21st year of my personal Journey through AIDS. AIDS is an extraordinary kind of crisis; it is both an emergency and a long-term development issue. Despite increased funding, political commitment and progress in expanding access to HIV treatment, the AIDS epidemic continues to outpace our response. No segment of humanity has been spared. The epidemic remains extremely dynamic, growing and changing character as the virus exploits new opportunities for transmission.

From the AIDS Treatment Data Network:

You don't have AIDS as soon as you're infected with HIV. The disease process takes a while, around 10 years on average. The process goes from being HIV+ without any symptoms or signs of disease to being HIV+ with symptoms to having AIDS. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Immune deficiency means that your immune system has been damaged by HIV. A damaged immune system can't protect you from infections as well as a healthy immune system.
Greetings All
As noted in the definition given above, there are three distinct phases of HIV disease that we now look to. I think "Full-Blown AIDS" is pretty much a scary misnomer born in the media, while AIDS is indeed the end stage of the disease.  While I am currently "healthy"; I have experienced the symptoms of wasting, night sweats, thrush, etc. thru  the middle stage where I was 1st Tested & Diagnosed in 1991, known as HIV+ Symptomatic. As my CD4 counts have primarily all come in below the 500 mark, I've been on meds pretty much since the beginning and have, therefore, been susceptible to the side-effects associated with them as well. Luckily, I've never experienced any difficulties taking or tolerating any of my meds. Even so, I have never experienced any of the "major" defining illnesses that we've now come to associate with an AIDS diagnosis, so I am considered a long-term survivor or non-progressor.
The indisputable truth remains that once you have HIV, you will live with it forever. However, how one goes about doing that is what's important and what we talk about here. And lately, what we've been commiserating on here is the sad fact that so many have decided to do it with great disregard for the future, irresponsibility for the truth and indifference to the consequences.
The whole point of this discussion and the new campaigns that are emerging is indeed that "HIV is NO PICNIC". It is still something to be very much AVOIDED and SCARED OF. While my mission is to help them on their own personal Journey as best I can and I welcome the newly diagnosed and share the concern that they not be scared off, I can't help but wonder "Well, what were you thinking/expecting?". Just my thoughts..."
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or HIV infection

AIDS is caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1. The HIV virus infects cells in the body that fight infection. The primary cell infected is the CD4 lymphocyte, but it infects other infection-fighting cells as well. This causes immune system impairment and difficulty fighting infection. Because the immune system has a role in cancer prevention, there is also an increase in certain cancers. To be HIV positive means that one is infected with the HIV virus. To be given the diagnosis of AIDS, one must be infected with HIV, which means that the HIV infection has compromised the immune system to the extent that an AIDS-defining illness (one of multiple illnesses) has occurred. Before current "triple therapy" was developed, nearly all those who were HIV positive went on to develop AIDS. Now it is not the case. But, not all persons respond to "triple therapy" and a proportion still goes on to develop AIDS.

HIV syndrome occurs 3 to 6 weeks after infection and includes
(these I've personally experienced):FeverSweatsSore throatEnlarged lymph glandsHeadachesWeight lossJoint achesMuscle aches

Reaching the Unreachable.. Online Outreach

Outreach professionals are always looking for those hard-to-reach populations where HIV education is in desparate need. They take to the streets; to local bars and clubs; to bath houses. Now there is a new way to reach those hard to reach The need for this type of outreach is certainly there. The web site surveyed 3000 of their site visitors. 84% of those visitors reported they had met sexual partners online (Brown, Washington Post, 2/03). Other studies have traced STD outbreaks to internet chat rooms. many who have been diagnosed with STDs report the met the person who infected them via the internet.

Why the Internet?What makes the internet so attractive to those seeking sexual liaisons? First of all, the initial meetings and discussions take place in a safe front of a computer. For obvious reasons, many people fear meeting a stranger in a strange, secluded place. Yet they are looking for sexual contacts. To ease their fear and still meet potential partners, people take to the chat rooms. Before any potentially harmful meeting takes place, two people can get to "know" one another online.

Knowing one another brings us to the second reason the internet is so appealing. People can be whatever or whoever they please. Six feet tall, blue eyes and blond athelete...single....or "well endowed". The internet provides a safety net for those who want to pretend.

On the other side of that same coin, chat rooms allow people to be themselves without the fear of rejection. Being cast aside online is a far cry from being rejected in person. Chatters are free to learn about one another without the pressures of that uncomfortable "first meeting".

Finally, the internet can be a very private place. Many people exploring their sexual desires want to do so under the umbrella of anonymity. For instance, many heterosexual men look for male sexual partners to explore their bisexual desires. They wish to keep these relationships and their feelings of bisexuality from their wives or girlfriends. Chat rooms are a perfect place to do so.

Is there a need for online outreach?Simply put, yes there certainly is. Several studies have linked outbreaks of STD's such as syphilis with partners found in internet chat rooms. Two studies presented at the 2003 National HIV Prevention Conference noted that online chatrooms and Web sites are replacing gay bathhouses and sex clubs as the most popular meeting points for arranging high-risk sex. In fact the need is being recognized by prevention and outreach agencies across the country. Funding streams are now allocating funds to maintain online outreach staff. Mind you, the funds are limited but the fact that any money is available unscores the perceived importance and value of online outreach. Programs are now in place in Detroit, Seattle, Boston, Miami and Los Angeles.

What is the advantage of online outreach?Experts agree, people who use the internet to find sexual partners have a greater number of partners than those who find sexual partners the traditional way. In addition, many of their partners are nonlocatable which makes partner notification, testing, and counseling problematic. Online outreach gives prevention specialists another tool with which to educate about safer sex and to locate potentially exposed persons. In addition, many times, online counselors are reaching people at precisely the time they are deciding whether or not to have anonymouos sex. Terrence Lo, epidemiologist with the California Department of Health Services points out that by providing anonymity, the internet allows counselors to reach those people who may be reluctant to discuss safer sex issues in other settings.

Does online outreach work?How effective is online outreach? It's too soon to tell however some programs are showing promise. From January 2003 to October 2003, The Midwest AIDS Prevention Project in Ferndale Michigan spent over 100 hours online in chat rooms. According to their data, 289 client interventions took place (Resource: Midwest AIDS Prention Project, November, 2003). How many of those people would have engaged any prevention efforts offline?

Reaching the outreach and prevention. Using the internet to educate...ironic...that's what the founding fathers of the internet had intended all along. ~ Mark Cichocki
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HIV-AIDS Program
275 East Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40621
(502) 564-6539 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (502) 564-6539 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Services For Those Living with HIV & AIDS
Kentucky HIV Care Coordinator Program