Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Kentucky Equality Federation

Thank You for the opportunity to serve KEF and Our Community in a manner that will enhance my Personal Mission "To use the Rest of My Life the best I can so that the people and places through which My Journey leads me, will remain a little bit Better for me having passed your way..."
I was first Found and Came OUT in 1978 by my Mother. Born in Illinois farm country and raised staunchly catholic, it didn't go well and she said I could no longer live in her house being that way. Sound familiar? At that time; I had a great job at Burke Marketing Research, a bright future, new car and although it hurt I was able to transition to my first "Own Place" fairly well. What I didn't transition into very well was the fact that the only places to be and feel free and out were bars. In the beginning however, I was just starting as a telephone investigator working the 4 to Midnight shift so it was perfect. As I worked my way up thru Sr Investigator, Field Office Manager trainee and finally to Client Service associate in the P&G Client Service group, it became my downfall. Then I got a job on the janitorial staff at a new bar that was just getting started -The Dock! That's where I was when the grotesque calamity we now know as HIV - AIDS began and where I was tested in 1991. Disclosing my status to my parents then was my 2nd Coming OUT.

After the first time and leaving home, however; I had decided then that since I had weathered that storm I'd do everything I can to make sure that the kids that came after me wouldn't have to. And what I want to tell you is that between the two; the folks came around, the second time was easier, they went with me to meet my first HIV doc and things did Get Better. So here I stand before you today; 20 years later, not dead yet and in complete agreement with Eli Wiesel who said:
"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
Kentucky Equality Federation believes all people are endowed with inalienable rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment free from oppression, discrimination, school bullying, and hate crimes regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, creed, veteran status, political affiliation, or any other defining characteristic. The end of discrimination is not simply the elimination of flagrant abuses, rather it is the ability of a person to fully exercise their Kentucky human rights to the same full extent enjoyed by their peers, without fear of retribution, aspersion, or harm, be that harm political or social. I also believe the same is true for those of us living with HIV and that KEF and I are a perfect match.

This is what I wrote down the week or so before Pride as it became apparent that the President and/or Chairman of the Board would be unable to attend due to pressing matters elsewhere in the Commonwealth. I thought that if, perhaps, Mykey & Ken had reached out to us as a possible speaker; as the local representative I may get a call and wanted to be prepared. However, our Community was spared, LOL! I say that 'cuz in recalling last years speaker w/ someone from KFTC that also missed last year's speaker, he remarked he'd heard his speech was "Good, but a bit of a downer". In the days before the Event, while I attended some of the lead activities I made additional notes and wrote this at 701 during the Pub Crawl; "I thought, Lord; they gonna be hatin' on me then cause I'm gonna say exactly what I think...". The day after, that premonition rang true after I made a Facebook comment relative to the Alcohol Abuse problem in our community that also impacts the continuing HIV Infection problem. I was told, quite self-righteously, to "Get a life and quit worrying about how the club celebrates pride. Our festival has liquor and beer booths. Celebrate good times. Michael our community deals with enough negativity and judging of us we don't need our own doing it. Very disappointing of you. Cheers from angel."
To which I replied; "Thanks Angel! BTW; I feel the same way when I hear comments against the poor, homeless, section 8 renters, etc. from the same..." This is precisely why I ran for Commissioner last year and volunteered for Kentucky Equality Federation this year at Easter to celebrate the founding of "The Michael W Connett LIVING Trust". KEF is more than a "Gay Rights" Organization and pursues our Mission thru volunteer, grassroots organizing without paid staff members, dues for members or an HR Champagne Fund. My Friends, as the new No Ky Regional Director I invite you to join us!

The Fearless Mission

As elected officials, members of Congress face many pressures — from the special interests competing for every vote to the fierce partisans demanding loyalty over independence. Too often, decisions that should be made in our country’s best interests are based on short-term political calculations.

The Fearless Campaign empowers politicians to take sometimes difficult stands on politically charged issues. We provide voters with timely and accurate information from Capitol Hill so they can effectively and efficiently lobby their representatives. And we encourage members of Congress to vote with their constituents in mind, regardless of the perceived political risks.
Being Fearless is never easy. It requires moral courage and a solid grassroots backing. But by connecting advocates at the grassroots level with those in Congress who are standing up for progress, the Fearless Campaign will move our country forward.

About the Campaign

The Fearless Campaign is an effort launched from the halls of Congress to effectively coordinate fearless members of Congress with the passion of grassroots advocates to transform our country from the inside out. Through the Fearless Campaign, we will revolutionize our nation's approach to six issues where special interests have blocked progress for too long: drug policy, education, food policy, immigration, internet freedom and LGBT equality. This campaign was conceived by Congressman Jared Polis of Colorado. In his first term, Congressman Polis witnessed firsthand the disconnect between grassroots advocacy and the legislative process.

Unlike high-powered lobbyists, voters frequently don’t have the capacity or access to track bills and politicians around the clock. With so much of today’s political deal-making taking place behind closed doors, advocates are often locked out of opportunities to influence legislation.

Fearless Issues

The Fearless Campaign harnesses the power of our country’s greatest strength — its human capital — to rally around six key issues:

Many advocacy groups try to influence Washington from the outside.
Be Fearless and help transform our country from the inside out.

"The HOTTEST Places in HELL are RESERVED for

Those who in times of Great Moral Crises