Greetings!In the article "2002 for beginners - Start the New Year with 8 Resolutions You Can Make and Keep", Timothy Murphy advises:
"#8 - FREE YOUR HEART, FEED YOUR SOUL: Not to get all Oprah on you, but if you're going into 2002 with old resentments - against an ex, family or fallen-out friend - either patch things up or let the anger go. According to Everett Worthington, a psychologist who studies the health effects of forgiveness, "by giving an unwarranted gift to someone who doesn't deserve it, we find paradoxically that it is we ourselves who are freed from that bondage." That can mean lower levels of stress, depression, blood pressure - all coups for HIVers.So that leaves just you and the universe. How do you talk to each other? Whether it's through an organized house of worship, some form of meditation or prayer, volunteering your time to others or even just a conscious gratitude that every day is a gift, reaching out to something bigger than yourself may greatly enhance all those pills, powders, and protein shakes. (Studies correlate more prayer with more CD4 cells - honest!) And keep in mind these words from HIVer Mark V.: Any experience - be it sex, nature, art or hilarity - can be spiritual if you are present for it."." From the January issue of POZ
This struck me because I consider Oprah one of my mentors and try to practice forgiveness as she once defined it: "Forgiveness is giving up the Hope that the past could be different". It also struck me because over the last ten years, I have come to learn that by giving an unwarranted gift to those who don't deserve it, it is I who is freed from that bondage of anger.I had read this article weeks ago and set it aside in my commentary file. I was reminded of it as I watched Tom Hanks' stunning performance in "Philadelphia" again last night. I was watching for two reasons - to remind myself of how it still really is out there, and to write down this passage:
The Precedent: "The Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as a reference for this Supreme Court decision: "Subsequent decisions have held that AIDS is protected as a handicap under law not only because of the physical limitations it imposes, but because the prejudice surrounding AIDS exacts a social death which precedes the actual physical one.This is the essence of discrimination - formulating opinions about others not based on their individual merits but rather on their membership in a group with assumed characteristics."
In many ways, I consider that I died and have been a dead man walking since October 3, 1991. Most assuredly since October 10th, when Perkins learned my satus and "constructively discharged" me. Since then, I have tried my best to journey on with dignity, honesty and that conscious gratitude that every day is a gift, reaching out to something bigger than myself. It's been a very long and hard road to tow, but 2002 begins a new Odyssey: Toward a Hate Free Millennium. I will strive to put the past in its place with forgiveness, shake of the shroud of societal death and Believe that I can run on.... My mission is to continue reaching out to something bigger than myself so that I may enhance all those pills, powders, and protein shakes; to live to tell as long as I am able and to share my experiences with any one who may benefit from what I've learned.Best Regards!Michael
"Overall, how would you describe the energy you’re putting out into the world and how is it coming back to you?"
Anonymous said; "I'm giving out positive energy and getting back alot of negative energy so I would like to blame it on the people I've surrounded myself with..." Dec 27
"Cruel men believe in a cruel God and use their belief to excuse their cruelty. Only kindly men believe in a kindly God, and they would be kindly in any case." Bertrand Russell
"If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu
- Make sure your getting ready for the Worldwide Civil Rights March on April 21,2012. It seems like a long time away...
Years ago, after I had come OUT and moved away from Home; I got involved with the local LGBT Community... Over the years since; I have learned and been surprised by the amount of unfriendly competition and animosity between the various organizations. I remember thinking: If we can’t even play nice with each other, how in the world are we going to lead our movement forward?
Do the
Lasting success is achieved by addition and multiplication, not
subtraction or division. If your winning depends on causing someone else to
lose, that success is doomed to eventually run out. By contrast, when your
success is built by creating new value for the world around you, it can continue
to grow indefinitely.Do the math. When you continue subtracting and dividing, you soon reach the very real limit of zero. But you can continue adding and multiplying with no such limit.
Certainly it is a competitive world. Yet the most successful competitors are those who do not depend on the competition, those who make the whole pie bigger instead of fighting over a single slice.
Real success and real value can never be wrested away from another. Your success and fulfillment must be built by you. Focus on the competition, and that competition will throw obstacles in your path at every turn. Focus on creating new value, and the world will enthusiastically push you forward.
"Forget past mistakes. Forget
Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do
--William Durant, founder of General Motors
2012 Worldwide LGBT Civil Rights Marches
"Each time a gay
POZ person finds the closet morally acceptable
for himself or others, he degrades himself as gay POZ and sinks to the
level of abjection dictated for gays Us by the dominant culture. No gay
POZ person with sufficient self-respect and dignity can be required to
view himself or other gays Survivors in this way." Richard
(a facebook + open LGBT Equality group of over 20,000 members; 15,000
publicly listed members & 5,000 closeted & off facebook private members)
Group Creator: Joseph C. Knudson, Published Author & Gay Rights Advocate
(Official Worldwide Affiliate Logo Display)
WE HAVE A DREAM...Help us realize it NOW!
JOIN US 04/21/2012
Event Creator Bio:
An LGBT equality movement comprised of members from all walks of life and of various & diverse sexual orientation and gender identities, in addition to all of our family, friends, and allies. Created for the achievement of basic human rights, inclusive of full legal civil rights allowing freedom from unwarranted infringement by governments and private organizations while allowing and ensuring one's ability to participate in the civil and political life of the state without discrimination or repression. The movement is much more than just a social gathering in the fact that the members initiate equality campaigns, petitions, marches, as well as taking on challenges issued in the process of advancing our rights, in addition to the endorsement, support, and action taking on those equality campaigns initiated by other movements, organizations, and individuals.
Our core mission is to ultimately obtain the aforementioned rights through proper and peaceful channels employing many different vehicles along the way. Strong emphasis being placed on educating and enlightening society and governments worldwide as to our plight and our demand and intent to live within those same laws and guarantees enjoyed equally by all other segments of society worldwide.
We also believe that education is the key to eradicating homophobia worldwide and that through all of our individual and joint efforts we will make a difference and show societies and governments worldwide that we are living the life we were born to live and the life freely intended us to live.
Involved Sub-group of Creator:
LGBT Political Action/Allies/+ subgroup of LET'S REACH 1 M PEOPLE CAMPAIGN...
Comprised of the administrators of the aforementioned creator of event, along with politicians from all levels of government, as well as LGBT & LGBT friendly prominent public figures. Public list of all members, including administrators, available for viewing on the group facebook page of both the parent and sub-group. Note: all member politicians have been personally private messaged with all details of the event with many favorable responses in support.
National Lead Sponsor of Event:
Espresso House Publishing & Distribution, LLC (an Oklahoma privately owned Limited Liability Company)
Initial & preliminary expenses incurred for pre-publicity, feasibility study, document preparation, and legal paid directly by Lead Sponsor with none of those payments made to any committee member nor family & relatives of any committee member.
Public Event Page:!/events/217923068269572/ (a facebook online public event page)
Numerous user friendly tools available on page, along with a detailed narrative description of the event (click on see more to display the complete narrative)
Preliminary Press Release Dated 10/31/2011:
International Committee voting Members: (recently realigned due to European delegate stepping down due to threatening emails, as well as Canadian delegate stepping down due to time constraints, and 2 non-voting field members not listed below)
Joe Knudson, Chairman & Spokesperson
Jonathan Wolfman, Oversight
James Vivian, Administrative
Arturo Shultz, Communications
Marc Holcomb, Location Advisor
Jesse D. Greer, Coordinator of Ancillary Events
Alexander Hope, Head of Public Relations
Isidro Gonzales, Event Advisor
Purpose & Urgency of Event:
This is grassroots organizing of hungry, aggressive, and eager LGBT & LGBT friendly activists, advocates, and all other allies worldwide working at planning and organizing various marches, after parties, watch parties, etc. around the world, with the trust and hope that entire LGBT communities and all LGBT and Human Rights organizations worldwide will put all egos aside and come together in unity for this historic event. This one day, April 21, 2011, our voices will be heard worldwide. The momentum is strong and fierce with recent actions at the United Nations, as well as the recent speech given by US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and we must enhance this momentum by going forward with this education and enlightenment to societies and governments worldwide as to our BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS and that the LGBT DEMAND and INTEND to gain our FULL CIVIL RIGHTS NOW! With election year in America upon us, as well as current work taking place for the ultimate passage of omnibus LGBT equality legislation in America, the window of opportunity is upon us and has never been as open as it is now. As our International Committee chairman recently stated to a reporter, "FAILURE TO TAKE ACTION NOW AND FAILURE OF THOSE TO PARTICIPATE IS NOTHING SHORT OF FAILING OUR OWN LGBT COMMUNITIES AND DENYING BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS TO ALL WORLDWIDE!"
Synopsis of Event Structure:
(... LGBT, family, friends, & allies CALL TO ARMS)
The structure is simple; it is Town Hall type of organizing, more so from the bottom up, rather than the top down. It is not one centrally located march, rather a number of marches worldwide, along with other local ancillary events in numerous locations (both march site & non-march site locations) such as private watch parties both on & offline, in addition to public watch parties at local LGBT community centers (both of these sort of a join in & create your own event type of thing for those unable to attend a physical march), as well as after parties upon completion of the march at set locations arranged by Lead Organizer for that march city. Inclusion of the masses, regardless of where, is in the utmost minds of the committee, in addition to introducing and bringing in as Lead Organizers many from the younger generation as well as seasoned individuals as after all, the younger generation is our future of tomorrow. The committee is utilizing extensive online social networking for the success of this event!
We are guiding and assisting these independent Lead Organizers in numerous ways for them to plan and organize these marches in each of their locations. This guidance takes on many forms, such as a continual private message thread on facebook for updates, questions, interactions, etc.; this thread includes all Lead Organizers, along with every member of the International Committee, in addition to any other active LGBT Activist/Advocate so desiring to be a part of this historic event. A set of guidelines/suggestions has been given to each Lead Organizer for use in their planning and organizing:
With each Lead Organizer knowing their own location in most every aspect (land area, local & state LGBT organizations, LGBT community centers, LGBT & LGBT friendly businesses, etc.) much better than the International Committee, we felt it important the existence of their own freedom to organize. Many already receiving assistance from their local LGBT community centers, LGBT organizations, and LGBT businesses prove this approach is working; assistance such as organizing fundraisers, donating much needed supplies (one LGBT club even having a designated sign making night with all supplies furnished), etc. Starting the preparations early allow for this involvement of the local community every step of the way while building excitement and riding the momentum up to the huge event. Involvement of the community encourages a more active participation on event day... (an extremely helpful link to assist in locating LGBT community centers across the world is ).
Another great area of assistance many Lead Organizers have found is the total support from the various PFLAG chapters (locate one anywhere in the world at ), thus involving the many thousands upon thousands of supportive family and friends that do exist; in addition, certain LGBT friendly churches have offered fundraising assistance for such events (to inquire for specific areas, go to ).
Lead Organizers are finding unity and cooperation among other LGBT equality organizations for this historic event, with one Lead Organizer in close association with GetEQUAL, an organization that inspires and encourages the LGBT to take that bold action such as we are with these marches! Another group of activists the Lead Organizers are finding very receptive to a coalition for this event is the various Occupy movements around the world; the important thing here is that our organizers contact the local Occupy group in their march site location immediately to get our event on the local Occupy calendar, assuring them while the LGBT lead this event with our demand for FULL CIVIL RIGHTS NOW, they are welcome to include their various demands as well ( is a great site to locate the Occupy groups in various cities around the world). Every single day unity is being achieved among various LGBT equality organizations as affiliations are continually being formed for this historic event!
With social media at the forefront of mass communications, the committee is utilizing one of the largest social sites in the world, FACEBOOK, to achieve inclusion of the masses. Proving this effectiveness is being achieved at this very early stage with one Lead Organizer having several thousand members in a group designated as their local chapter of the Worldwide Marches, with the availability to set up an individual Event Page for that specific location with mass invites for this historic event; care must be given though so as to not slight the benefit of a broad coalition of those LGBT equality groups and organizations not represented on FACEBOOK. Twitter, LinkedIn, dot429 professional LGBT network, and many others are also being utilized to achieve results.
Registered Lead Organizers & Location of Marches: (additional locations in process of confirming)
Adam Hoover Dayton, OH
Curtis Sledge, Jr. Washington, DC
Michael Connett Northern Kentucky-Greater Cincinnati
Mohammad Azam Pakistan
Noa Francis Shayden Chicago
Dusty Wenk Atlanta
Eyad Alkurabi Albany
Christianne M. Bharath NYC
Marc Holcomb Oklahoma City
Capri Mahaffey Hampton, VA
(each registered lead organizer is assigned a security ID# to verify identification in press releases and media contact, as well as field verification should anyone encountered in planning wish verification with the International Committee)
The subject was touched briefly above in some of the narrative. To expand, with the structure these marches have taken on, along with the independence advantage bestowed upon each of the Lead Organizers, expenses incurred will be minimal as we are not setting the stage for box office attractions along with their inherent expenses, rather we are setting the stage with enthusiastic and eager diverse individuals from all walks of life, along with our family, friends, and all other allies. WE ARE THE PEOPLE, WE HAVE DEMANDS, and while we may show up with homemade signs and banners, WE WILL BE SHOWING UP! We are NOT trying to impress anyone with fancy paraphernalia, WE ARE MARCHING TO MAKE A BOLD IMPRESSION of our DEMAND and INTENT to GAIN OUR BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS, to LIVE WITHIN THE SAME LAWS & GUARANTEES enjoyed by other segments of society. It doesn't take a great deal of money to accomplish this...
The committee found, in the preliminary study prior to launching this event, there are many LGBT owned & LGBT friendly businesses within the local communities more than willing to donate certain services and supplies for an event of this nature; one just needs to find them and ask. Most LGBT communities have local newsletters, e-magazines, etc. that many times have a section in the back listing LGBT owned & LGBT friendly businesses in the area; word of mouth around the community is another great source of information. LGBT churches, clubs, bars, community centers many times will help with supplies for signs and banners; in addition, LGBT clubs and bars encourage fundraising events sponsored by and at their location, as well as the placement of promotional flyers as it draws patrons to their establishment. Additional encouragement for this participation many times is accomplished by scheduling watch parties and after parties at their particular establishment on event day to accommodate those not able to physically attend a march, as well as a place for the marchers to gather after the event (this also works well for those establishments in non-march site locations). When approaching stores for supply donations, it best to mention they are for signs and banners for the Worldwide Human/Civil Rights Marches coming up in the city (Dollar & Thrift stores are great places to approach as well).
The committee did approve the sale of an Official Event T-Shirt; the printing and sales are totally handled by an LGBT owned business out of Atlanta. The company is totally independent of this event, with no committee member nor family or friends of any committee member benefiting from the sales of the T-Shirt. The company has agreed to donate $3.00 (USD) per T-Shirt sold to help defray any allowable ancillary expenses incurred by either a committee member or a registered Lead Organizer in the planning and organizing of this event, providing an original receipt is available detailing the expense. Those incurred expenses should be minimal considering the structure of this event, the aggressive solicitation of donated supplies at each march site location, as well as the availability to each independent Lead Organizer of fundraising efforts at each of their march site locations as touched upon above. The Official Event T-Shirt link is
To alleviate the need for extensive and time consuming fundraising revenue distribution and internal controls at the committee level, the committee has reached an agreement with the T-Shirt supplier to submit a report of T-Shirt sales to the committee at the end of each month beginning with January and ending with April; likewise, the Lead Organizers will submit electronic copies of original receipts to the committee at the end of each month for the same time period of any expenses incurred at march site location level that was not either donated or paid for by local fundraisers. The committee will summarize the receipts and send the T-Shirt supplier a list of disbursements to be made to each Lead Organizer, along with any expenses incurred by the committee, by the 15th of the month following month end to the extent fundraising revenue from T-Shirt sales covers those disbursements (any underage or overage of revenue will be carried over to the next month). It is projected and highly anticipated fundraising revenue from T-Shirt sales will far exceed any reimbursement necessary to either Lead Organizers or the committee; any excess will be divided equally and donated to an LGBT charity at the local level chosen by each Lead Organizer, along with any excess of funds from fundraising done, if any, by the Lead Organizer at their local level. It is highly suggested all Lead Organizers promote the Official Event T-Shirt along with the promotion of their own march site location. T-Shirt promotion is not just for march site locations, but worldwide to every location, including all those watch parties, after parties, and other non-march ancillary events.
With each independent Lead Organizer being autonomous in nature, it is their choice, as an independent, as to how they will account and hold fundraising revenue from their own local march site fundraisers to cover their own expenses incurred, if any. A confidential Identification Number has been assigned to each registered Lead Organizer for various reasons with one of those being a way for local march site location individuals encountered to verify and confirm with the committee the legitimacy of each Lead Organizer as a registered Lead Organizer for the 2012 Worldwide LGBT Civil Rights Marches.
Honorary March Leader:
The Gay Reverend Magora E. Kennedy is 100% New York State, suburban and urban. Rev. Magora was born in Albany, New York, the state capital, on September 22, 1938. Rev. Magora, with her minister's collar on, was there the very first night of the Stonewall Rebellion on Friday, June 27, 1969. As our International Committee chairman recently stated in a press release, "I definitely feel a part of the Stonewall Rebellion having visited with Rev. Magora for extended conversations over the telephone on two separate occasions; I could write for hours on what we talked about. As the International Committee Chairman of the 2012 Worldwide LGBT Civil Rights Marches, I was ecstatic when Rev. Magora proudly accepted the title of Honorary March Leader I bestowed upon her on behalf of the committee."
For the complete press release, clink the following link
Proof why this Education & Enlightenment is so vitally important:
One of the administrators of the creator of this event, the International Committee chairman, received a letter a few months back from a US Congressman. This member of Congress had just finished reading a book given to them by one of their constituents. The following statement was made by the politician regarding their view of the rights available to individuals of the LGBT community, as well as the effect the book had upon them.
“I have always respected the rights of an individual to live their life as they see fit within the constraints of the bodies of law within their territorial jurisdiction. With that being said, certain individuals with situations resulting from behavioral and sexual choices due to individual identity are not always allowed these same rights. I have always taken the majority position of those who elected me to office when legislation or decisions of this nature come up. Recently, I have assessed various ways of encouraging those who elect us to educate themselves in this particular area in order that they understand the ramifications that could result when voicing their position if ignorance on any issue is present. This book could be that partial eye opener with the education they need in this area. I see things somewhat differently having read it, giving me the courage to realize an injustice is possibly done to those individuals with varying sexual preference and identity.”
The member of Congress went on to say, “A clerk in the office, who incidentally read the book after I finished, shared with me a group created on facebook. I am sure you are aware that campaigns carried out by collective groups of advocates, on any issue, carry more weight as the number of participants rise. With the aggressive goal of one million, the campaign will carry significant weight, once met, when taken through the proper channels to the target audience.”
A committee comprised of various group members from the creator of this event reviewed some of the details of this letter from the Congressman as the letter contained a challenge issued to the group LET'S REACH 1 MILLION PEOPLE CAMPAIGN...It's a start! LGBT EQUALITY; this was done to determine if the group wanted to accept the challenge and the committee so decided to take on the challenge with full force of the group. The confidentiality of the politician was requested and is being honored by the group during this challenge period of which the group is still in.
The quotes above from the politician emphasized to this march committee just how important this education and enlightenment process truly is; with a member of our own Congress so acknowledging, we felt it was time to take BOLD action by initiating this event and taking the steps necessary to make these marches a truly historic event in this education and enlightenment process.
A totally separate letter from a different politician, US Senator Dr. Tom Coburn, was made available by the International Committee chairman and it too, shows the need for this education and enlightenment process to take place within the US Government. With it being this necessary in America, the purported World Leader in the advancement of BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS, think how important this is to all governments and societies Worldwide. To read this letter, go to
In Closing:
The committee extends our open arms to every single member of society and to all governments worldwide to participate in this historic event and commit not only to yourself, but to all mankind, to the ACHIEVEMENT of BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS for every individual in the world...
If additional information is desired, please contact the International Committee Chairman or USA telephone number 405-410-2934.
(a facebook + open LGBT Equality group of over 20,000 members; 15,000
publicly listed members & 5,000 closeted & off facebook private members)
Group Creator: Joseph C. Knudson, Published Author & Gay Rights Advocate
(Official Worldwide Affiliate Logo Display)
WE HAVE A DREAM...Help us realize it NOW!
JOIN US 04/21/2012
Event Creator Bio:
An LGBT equality movement comprised of members from all walks of life and of various & diverse sexual orientation and gender identities, in addition to all of our family, friends, and allies. Created for the achievement of basic human rights, inclusive of full legal civil rights allowing freedom from unwarranted infringement by governments and private organizations while allowing and ensuring one's ability to participate in the civil and political life of the state without discrimination or repression. The movement is much more than just a social gathering in the fact that the members initiate equality campaigns, petitions, marches, as well as taking on challenges issued in the process of advancing our rights, in addition to the endorsement, support, and action taking on those equality campaigns initiated by other movements, organizations, and individuals.
Our core mission is to ultimately obtain the aforementioned rights through proper and peaceful channels employing many different vehicles along the way. Strong emphasis being placed on educating and enlightening society and governments worldwide as to our plight and our demand and intent to live within those same laws and guarantees enjoyed equally by all other segments of society worldwide.
We also believe that education is the key to eradicating homophobia worldwide and that through all of our individual and joint efforts we will make a difference and show societies and governments worldwide that we are living the life we were born to live and the life freely intended us to live.
Involved Sub-group of Creator:
LGBT Political Action/Allies/+ subgroup of LET'S REACH 1 M PEOPLE CAMPAIGN...
Comprised of the administrators of the aforementioned creator of event, along with politicians from all levels of government, as well as LGBT & LGBT friendly prominent public figures. Public list of all members, including administrators, available for viewing on the group facebook page of both the parent and sub-group. Note: all member politicians have been personally private messaged with all details of the event with many favorable responses in support.
National Lead Sponsor of Event:
Espresso House Publishing & Distribution, LLC (an Oklahoma privately owned Limited Liability Company)
Initial & preliminary expenses incurred for pre-publicity, feasibility study, document preparation, and legal paid directly by Lead Sponsor with none of those payments made to any committee member nor family & relatives of any committee member.
Public Event Page:!/events/217923068269572/ (a facebook online public event page)
Numerous user friendly tools available on page, along with a detailed narrative description of the event (click on see more to display the complete narrative)
Preliminary Press Release Dated 10/31/2011:
International Committee voting Members: (recently realigned due to European delegate stepping down due to threatening emails, as well as Canadian delegate stepping down due to time constraints, and 2 non-voting field members not listed below)
Joe Knudson, Chairman & Spokesperson
Jonathan Wolfman, Oversight
James Vivian, Administrative
Arturo Shultz, Communications
Marc Holcomb, Location Advisor
Jesse D. Greer, Coordinator of Ancillary Events
Alexander Hope, Head of Public Relations
Isidro Gonzales, Event Advisor
Purpose & Urgency of Event:
This is grassroots organizing of hungry, aggressive, and eager LGBT & LGBT friendly activists, advocates, and all other allies worldwide working at planning and organizing various marches, after parties, watch parties, etc. around the world, with the trust and hope that entire LGBT communities and all LGBT and Human Rights organizations worldwide will put all egos aside and come together in unity for this historic event. This one day, April 21, 2011, our voices will be heard worldwide. The momentum is strong and fierce with recent actions at the United Nations, as well as the recent speech given by US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and we must enhance this momentum by going forward with this education and enlightenment to societies and governments worldwide as to our BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS and that the LGBT DEMAND and INTEND to gain our FULL CIVIL RIGHTS NOW! With election year in America upon us, as well as current work taking place for the ultimate passage of omnibus LGBT equality legislation in America, the window of opportunity is upon us and has never been as open as it is now. As our International Committee chairman recently stated to a reporter, "FAILURE TO TAKE ACTION NOW AND FAILURE OF THOSE TO PARTICIPATE IS NOTHING SHORT OF FAILING OUR OWN LGBT COMMUNITIES AND DENYING BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS TO ALL WORLDWIDE!"
Synopsis of Event Structure:
(... LGBT, family, friends, & allies CALL TO ARMS)
The structure is simple; it is Town Hall type of organizing, more so from the bottom up, rather than the top down. It is not one centrally located march, rather a number of marches worldwide, along with other local ancillary events in numerous locations (both march site & non-march site locations) such as private watch parties both on & offline, in addition to public watch parties at local LGBT community centers (both of these sort of a join in & create your own event type of thing for those unable to attend a physical march), as well as after parties upon completion of the march at set locations arranged by Lead Organizer for that march city. Inclusion of the masses, regardless of where, is in the utmost minds of the committee, in addition to introducing and bringing in as Lead Organizers many from the younger generation as well as seasoned individuals as after all, the younger generation is our future of tomorrow. The committee is utilizing extensive online social networking for the success of this event!
We are guiding and assisting these independent Lead Organizers in numerous ways for them to plan and organize these marches in each of their locations. This guidance takes on many forms, such as a continual private message thread on facebook for updates, questions, interactions, etc.; this thread includes all Lead Organizers, along with every member of the International Committee, in addition to any other active LGBT Activist/Advocate so desiring to be a part of this historic event. A set of guidelines/suggestions has been given to each Lead Organizer for use in their planning and organizing:
With each Lead Organizer knowing their own location in most every aspect (land area, local & state LGBT organizations, LGBT community centers, LGBT & LGBT friendly businesses, etc.) much better than the International Committee, we felt it important the existence of their own freedom to organize. Many already receiving assistance from their local LGBT community centers, LGBT organizations, and LGBT businesses prove this approach is working; assistance such as organizing fundraisers, donating much needed supplies (one LGBT club even having a designated sign making night with all supplies furnished), etc. Starting the preparations early allow for this involvement of the local community every step of the way while building excitement and riding the momentum up to the huge event. Involvement of the community encourages a more active participation on event day... (an extremely helpful link to assist in locating LGBT community centers across the world is ).
Another great area of assistance many Lead Organizers have found is the total support from the various PFLAG chapters (locate one anywhere in the world at ), thus involving the many thousands upon thousands of supportive family and friends that do exist; in addition, certain LGBT friendly churches have offered fundraising assistance for such events (to inquire for specific areas, go to ).
Lead Organizers are finding unity and cooperation among other LGBT equality organizations for this historic event, with one Lead Organizer in close association with GetEQUAL, an organization that inspires and encourages the LGBT to take that bold action such as we are with these marches! Another group of activists the Lead Organizers are finding very receptive to a coalition for this event is the various Occupy movements around the world; the important thing here is that our organizers contact the local Occupy group in their march site location immediately to get our event on the local Occupy calendar, assuring them while the LGBT lead this event with our demand for FULL CIVIL RIGHTS NOW, they are welcome to include their various demands as well ( is a great site to locate the Occupy groups in various cities around the world). Every single day unity is being achieved among various LGBT equality organizations as affiliations are continually being formed for this historic event!
With social media at the forefront of mass communications, the committee is utilizing one of the largest social sites in the world, FACEBOOK, to achieve inclusion of the masses. Proving this effectiveness is being achieved at this very early stage with one Lead Organizer having several thousand members in a group designated as their local chapter of the Worldwide Marches, with the availability to set up an individual Event Page for that specific location with mass invites for this historic event; care must be given though so as to not slight the benefit of a broad coalition of those LGBT equality groups and organizations not represented on FACEBOOK. Twitter, LinkedIn, dot429 professional LGBT network, and many others are also being utilized to achieve results.
Registered Lead Organizers & Location of Marches: (additional locations in process of confirming)
Adam Hoover Dayton, OH
Curtis Sledge, Jr. Washington, DC
Michael Connett Northern Kentucky-Greater Cincinnati
Mohammad Azam Pakistan
Noa Francis Shayden Chicago
Dusty Wenk Atlanta
Eyad Alkurabi Albany
Christianne M. Bharath NYC
Marc Holcomb Oklahoma City
Capri Mahaffey Hampton, VA
(each registered lead organizer is assigned a security ID# to verify identification in press releases and media contact, as well as field verification should anyone encountered in planning wish verification with the International Committee)
The subject was touched briefly above in some of the narrative. To expand, with the structure these marches have taken on, along with the independence advantage bestowed upon each of the Lead Organizers, expenses incurred will be minimal as we are not setting the stage for box office attractions along with their inherent expenses, rather we are setting the stage with enthusiastic and eager diverse individuals from all walks of life, along with our family, friends, and all other allies. WE ARE THE PEOPLE, WE HAVE DEMANDS, and while we may show up with homemade signs and banners, WE WILL BE SHOWING UP! We are NOT trying to impress anyone with fancy paraphernalia, WE ARE MARCHING TO MAKE A BOLD IMPRESSION of our DEMAND and INTENT to GAIN OUR BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS, to LIVE WITHIN THE SAME LAWS & GUARANTEES enjoyed by other segments of society. It doesn't take a great deal of money to accomplish this...
The committee found, in the preliminary study prior to launching this event, there are many LGBT owned & LGBT friendly businesses within the local communities more than willing to donate certain services and supplies for an event of this nature; one just needs to find them and ask. Most LGBT communities have local newsletters, e-magazines, etc. that many times have a section in the back listing LGBT owned & LGBT friendly businesses in the area; word of mouth around the community is another great source of information. LGBT churches, clubs, bars, community centers many times will help with supplies for signs and banners; in addition, LGBT clubs and bars encourage fundraising events sponsored by and at their location, as well as the placement of promotional flyers as it draws patrons to their establishment. Additional encouragement for this participation many times is accomplished by scheduling watch parties and after parties at their particular establishment on event day to accommodate those not able to physically attend a march, as well as a place for the marchers to gather after the event (this also works well for those establishments in non-march site locations). When approaching stores for supply donations, it best to mention they are for signs and banners for the Worldwide Human/Civil Rights Marches coming up in the city (Dollar & Thrift stores are great places to approach as well).
The committee did approve the sale of an Official Event T-Shirt; the printing and sales are totally handled by an LGBT owned business out of Atlanta. The company is totally independent of this event, with no committee member nor family or friends of any committee member benefiting from the sales of the T-Shirt. The company has agreed to donate $3.00 (USD) per T-Shirt sold to help defray any allowable ancillary expenses incurred by either a committee member or a registered Lead Organizer in the planning and organizing of this event, providing an original receipt is available detailing the expense. Those incurred expenses should be minimal considering the structure of this event, the aggressive solicitation of donated supplies at each march site location, as well as the availability to each independent Lead Organizer of fundraising efforts at each of their march site locations as touched upon above. The Official Event T-Shirt link is
To alleviate the need for extensive and time consuming fundraising revenue distribution and internal controls at the committee level, the committee has reached an agreement with the T-Shirt supplier to submit a report of T-Shirt sales to the committee at the end of each month beginning with January and ending with April; likewise, the Lead Organizers will submit electronic copies of original receipts to the committee at the end of each month for the same time period of any expenses incurred at march site location level that was not either donated or paid for by local fundraisers. The committee will summarize the receipts and send the T-Shirt supplier a list of disbursements to be made to each Lead Organizer, along with any expenses incurred by the committee, by the 15th of the month following month end to the extent fundraising revenue from T-Shirt sales covers those disbursements (any underage or overage of revenue will be carried over to the next month). It is projected and highly anticipated fundraising revenue from T-Shirt sales will far exceed any reimbursement necessary to either Lead Organizers or the committee; any excess will be divided equally and donated to an LGBT charity at the local level chosen by each Lead Organizer, along with any excess of funds from fundraising done, if any, by the Lead Organizer at their local level. It is highly suggested all Lead Organizers promote the Official Event T-Shirt along with the promotion of their own march site location. T-Shirt promotion is not just for march site locations, but worldwide to every location, including all those watch parties, after parties, and other non-march ancillary events.
With each independent Lead Organizer being autonomous in nature, it is their choice, as an independent, as to how they will account and hold fundraising revenue from their own local march site fundraisers to cover their own expenses incurred, if any. A confidential Identification Number has been assigned to each registered Lead Organizer for various reasons with one of those being a way for local march site location individuals encountered to verify and confirm with the committee the legitimacy of each Lead Organizer as a registered Lead Organizer for the 2012 Worldwide LGBT Civil Rights Marches.
Honorary March Leader:
The Gay Reverend Magora E. Kennedy is 100% New York State, suburban and urban. Rev. Magora was born in Albany, New York, the state capital, on September 22, 1938. Rev. Magora, with her minister's collar on, was there the very first night of the Stonewall Rebellion on Friday, June 27, 1969. As our International Committee chairman recently stated in a press release, "I definitely feel a part of the Stonewall Rebellion having visited with Rev. Magora for extended conversations over the telephone on two separate occasions; I could write for hours on what we talked about. As the International Committee Chairman of the 2012 Worldwide LGBT Civil Rights Marches, I was ecstatic when Rev. Magora proudly accepted the title of Honorary March Leader I bestowed upon her on behalf of the committee."
For the complete press release, clink the following link
Proof why this Education & Enlightenment is so vitally important:
One of the administrators of the creator of this event, the International Committee chairman, received a letter a few months back from a US Congressman. This member of Congress had just finished reading a book given to them by one of their constituents. The following statement was made by the politician regarding their view of the rights available to individuals of the LGBT community, as well as the effect the book had upon them.
“I have always respected the rights of an individual to live their life as they see fit within the constraints of the bodies of law within their territorial jurisdiction. With that being said, certain individuals with situations resulting from behavioral and sexual choices due to individual identity are not always allowed these same rights. I have always taken the majority position of those who elected me to office when legislation or decisions of this nature come up. Recently, I have assessed various ways of encouraging those who elect us to educate themselves in this particular area in order that they understand the ramifications that could result when voicing their position if ignorance on any issue is present. This book could be that partial eye opener with the education they need in this area. I see things somewhat differently having read it, giving me the courage to realize an injustice is possibly done to those individuals with varying sexual preference and identity.”
The member of Congress went on to say, “A clerk in the office, who incidentally read the book after I finished, shared with me a group created on facebook. I am sure you are aware that campaigns carried out by collective groups of advocates, on any issue, carry more weight as the number of participants rise. With the aggressive goal of one million, the campaign will carry significant weight, once met, when taken through the proper channels to the target audience.”
A committee comprised of various group members from the creator of this event reviewed some of the details of this letter from the Congressman as the letter contained a challenge issued to the group LET'S REACH 1 MILLION PEOPLE CAMPAIGN...It's a start! LGBT EQUALITY; this was done to determine if the group wanted to accept the challenge and the committee so decided to take on the challenge with full force of the group. The confidentiality of the politician was requested and is being honored by the group during this challenge period of which the group is still in.
The quotes above from the politician emphasized to this march committee just how important this education and enlightenment process truly is; with a member of our own Congress so acknowledging, we felt it was time to take BOLD action by initiating this event and taking the steps necessary to make these marches a truly historic event in this education and enlightenment process.
A totally separate letter from a different politician, US Senator Dr. Tom Coburn, was made available by the International Committee chairman and it too, shows the need for this education and enlightenment process to take place within the US Government. With it being this necessary in America, the purported World Leader in the advancement of BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS, think how important this is to all governments and societies Worldwide. To read this letter, go to
In Closing:
The committee extends our open arms to every single member of society and to all governments worldwide to participate in this historic event and commit not only to yourself, but to all mankind, to the ACHIEVEMENT of BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS for every individual in the world...
If additional information is desired, please contact the International Committee Chairman or USA telephone number 405-410-2934.
Sex and sensibility - Larry
In his terribly important new book,
Sexual Ecology: AIDS and the Destiny of Gay Men, Gabriel Rotello makes
the definitive, airtight case that AIDS in the gay male population is not going
away. We've changed, but we haven't changed enough, and because we haven't
changed enough, the infection rate continues to be unrelentingly high. All our
efforts at education, "safe sex", and behavior modification have been
insufficient to keep the gay population from continuing to be destroyed.
Gabriel's book also makes the airtight
case -still considered controversial, unfortunately, rather than undeniable-
that we brought AIDS upon ourselves by a way of living that welcomed it. You
cannot (* have sex) indiscriminately with multiple partners, who are also
doing the same, without spreading disease, a disease that has for many years
also carried death. Nature always extracts a price for sexual
None of this is new or should be
Tragically, not enough of us have
responded to this information maturely and responsibly. Too many of us have
used almost every conceivable excuse not to face this plague squarely and
honestly. We think we know what's safe and unsafe, know all about condoms, know
all about these new drugs we've put our faith in so quickly, and we get very
irate when the word promiscuity is used.
But nobody is out there saying loud and
clear and nonstop: Stop acting like assholes. Start acting like adults. Even
in the best of times, an adult does not play Russian roulette with
It's been particularly distressing to me
as a writer, as someone who tries very hard to believe he's an artist, to see
how almost every other gay writer -as well as journalists, essayists, poets,
playwrights, painters, photographers, filmmakers, what have you- has, to my
mind, ignored the primary job of being an artist: telling the truth.
What is this truth?
We must create a new culture that is not
confined and and centered so tragically on our obsession with our penises and
what we do with them.
We have made a culture out of our
sexuality, and that culture has killed us...
Isn't it still?
And hasn't it spread to all
men who have sex with men?
Is Marriage an attempt to lay
the cornerstone of this new culture 7 years later?
In regards to copying anything from my sites remember
that all of my personal photos and articles are copyrighted. In regard to all
other materials I rely on the "Fair Use" copyright law provisions. If you copy
anything to reprint make sure that you do too. I ask that you get my permission
to reprint any of my personal materials from this site and that you provide a
link back to me/this page. Here is the "Fair Use"
"Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.
In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include:
(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors."
"Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.
In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include:
(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
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